Global Civil Society & the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Gender Equality

Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. There has been progress over the last decades, but the world is not on track to achieve gender equality by 2030.

Women and girls represent half of the world’s population and therefore also half of its potential. But gender inequality persists everywhere and stagnates social progress.
On average, women in the labor market still earn 23 percent less than men globally and women spend about three times as many hours in unpaid domestic and care work as men.

Sexual violence and exploitation, the unequal division of unpaid care and domestic work, and discrimination in public office, all remain huge barriers. All these areas of inequality have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic: there has been a surge in reports of sexual violence, women have taken on more care work due to school closures, and 70% of health and social workers globally are women.

At the current rate, it will take an estimated 300 years to end child marriage, 286 years to close gaps in legal protection and remove discriminatory laws, 140 years for women to be represented equally in positions of power and leadership in the workplace, and 47 years to achieve equal representation in national parliaments.

Political leadership, investments and comprehensive policy reforms are needed to dismantle systemic barriers to achieving Goal 5 Gender equality is a cross-cutting objective and must be a key focus of national policies, budgets and institutions.

Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II

Prospera - International Network of Women's Funds

INWF 1998 Mexico City Mexico F y

ProTerra Foundation

2012 Utrecht Netherlands F f

Protocol Concerning the Adhesion of States Not Represented at the Fourth Conference on Private International Law to the Convention of July 17 1905, Relating to Deprivation of Civil Rights and Similar Measures of Protection

1923 T g

Protocol Concerning the Adhesion of States Not Represented at the Third Conference on Private International Law to the Convention of June 12 1902, Regulating the Guardianship of Minors

1923 T g

Protocol Instituting a Conciliation and Good Offices Commission to be Responsible for Seeking the Settlement of Any Disputes Which May Arise between States Parties to the Convention Against Discrimination in Education

1962 Paris France T g

Protocol of Adherence by Costa Rica to the Protocol of Managua on Equalization of Import Charges

1962 T g

Protocol on the Abolition of Controls and Formalities at Internal Benelux Frontiers, and the Abolition of Barriers to Free Movement

Brussels Belgium T g

Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Seabed Authority

1998 T g

Protocol to Amend the Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Women and Children

1947 T g

Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children

2000 Vienna Austria T g

Protocol to the Agreement on Equalization of Import Charges and to the Agreement on the System of Central American Integrated Industries

1967 T g

Protocol to the Central American Agreement of Equalization of Import Charges

1964 T g

Protocol to the Central American Agreement on Equalization of Import Charges, 1959

1959 T g

Protocol to the Central American Agreement on Equalization of Import Charges, 1960

1960 T g

Protocol to the Central American Agreement on Equalization of Import Charges, 1962

1962 T g

Protocol to the Central American Agreement on Equalization of Import Charges, 1963

1963 T g

Protocol to the Central American Agreement on Equalization of Import Charges, 1965

1965 T g

Protocol to the Treaty Establishing the African Economic Community Relating to Free Movement of Persons, Right of Residence and Right of Establishment

2018 T g

Public Services International

PSI 1907 Ferney-Voltaire France B y

PWN Global - Professional Women's Network

PWN Global 1996 Paris France F t

Quaker Council for European Affairs

QCEA 1979 Brussels Belgium D

Quaker United Nations Office

QUNO 1926 Geneva Switzerland E

Queens World Network

QWN Lagos Nigeria G

Quest for Peace

1984 College Park MD USA G

Rädda Barnen - Save the Children Sweden

1919 Stockholm Sweden G

Radio Free Asia

RFA 1996 Washington DC USA G

Rafto Foundation

1986 Bergen Norway G f

Rainbow Cities Network

RCN Hannover Germany F

Rainbow Rose

2006 Vienna Austria E

Rainbow Warriors International

RWI 1995 Oranjestad Aruba E

Rainforest Alliance

1987 New York NY USA C

Raising the Floor

RtF 2010 Le Grand-Saconnex Switzerland C

Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

1984 Lund Sweden G j

RCN Justice et Démocratie

RCN J&D 1989 Brussels Belgium G

Re-formed Congregation of the Goddess, International

RCG-I 1983 Madison WI USA N

Recommendation Complémentaire à la Convention Concernant le Travail de Nuit

1990 T g

Reconstructing Women International

RWI 2007 Munich Germany F

Red de Archivos Diplomaticos Latinoamericanos

RADI 1997 Mexico City Mexico F g

Red de Educación Popular entre Mujeres de América Latina y el Caribe

REPEM LAC 1981 Montevideo Uruguay F

Red de Escritoras Latinoamericanas

RELAT 1998 Sao Paulo Brazil F

Red de Justicia Fiscal de América Latina y el Caribe

J y

Red de Latinoamérica y El Caribe de Personas Trans

REDLACTRANS 2004 Buenos Aires Argentina D

Red de Mujeres Afrolatinoamericanas y Afrocaribeñas y la Diaspora


Red de Mujeres de Autoridades Maritimas de Latinoamérica

Red-MAMLa 2017 J

Red de Mujeres Latinoamericanas y del Caribe en Gestion de Organizaciones

Women in Management 1998 F

Red de Trabajadoras Sexuales de América Latina y el Caribe

REDTRASEX 1997 Asunción Paraguay D

Red Interamericana de Vivienda Saludable

Red VIVSALUD 1995 Lima Peru F

Red Latinoamericana y Caribeña por la Defensa de los Derechos de los Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes

REDLAMYC 2000 Mexico City Mexico F

Rede Latino-Americana e Caribenha de Mulheres Negras

CRIOLA 1992 Rio de Janeiro Brazil G


1992 London UK G
