Global Civil Society & the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 16: Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies

Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions

Goal 16 is about promoting peaceful and inclusive societies, providing access to justice for all and building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. People everywhere should be free of fear from all forms of violence and feel safe as they go about their lives whatever their ethnicity, faith or sexual orientation.

However, ongoing and new violent conflicts around the world are derailing the global path to peace and achievement of Goal 16. Alarmingly, the year 2022 witnessed a more than 50 per cent increase in conflict-related civilian deaths – the first since the adoption of Agenda 2030 – largely due to the war in Ukraine.

High levels of armed violence and insecurity have a destructive impact on a country’s development, while sexual violence, crime, exploitation and torture are prevalent where there is conflict or no rule of law, and countries must take measures to protect those who are most at risk.

Governments, civil society and communities need to work together to find lasting solutions to conflict and insecurity. Strengthening the rule of law and promoting human rights is key to this process, as is reducing the flow of illicit arms, combating corruption, and ensuring inclusive participation at all times.

Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II

Convention for the Extension to Certain Protectorates and Mandated Territories of the Treaty of December 12 1891

1930 T g

Convention for the Formation of Codes on Public and Private International Law

1902 T g

Convention for the Improvement of Sea Communications

1912 T g

Convention for the International Registration of Trade Marks

1911 T g

Convention for the Limitation of Armaments

1923 T g

Convention for the Maintenance, Preservation and Reestablishment of Peace

1936 T g

Convention for the Mutual Recognition of Inspections in Respect of the Manufacture of Pharmaceutical Products

PIC 1970 Geneva Switzerland T g

Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes, 1907

1907 T g

Convention for the Pacific Settlements of International Conflicts, 1899

1899 T g

Convention for the Preservation of Wild Animals, Birds and Fish in Africa

1900 T g

Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping from Ships and Aircraft

Oslo Convention 1972 T g

Convention for the Prevention of Terrorism and Punishment of Terrorism

1937 T g

Convention for the Prohibition of Fishing with Long Driftnets in the South Pacific

1989 T g

Convention for the Promotion of Inter-American Cultural Relations, 1936

1936 T g

Convention for the Promotion of Inter-American Cultural Relations, 1954

1954 Washington DC USA T g

Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region

Cartagena Convention 1983 Kingston Jamaica T g

Convention for the Protection of Agriculture

1913 T g

Convention for the Protection of Birds Useful to Agriculture

1902 T g

Convention for the Protection of Commercial, Industrial, and Agricultural Trade Marks and Commercial Names

1923 T g

Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict

The Hague Convention, 1954 1954 Paris France T g

Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine: Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine

1997 Strasbourg France T g

Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms

1950 Strasbourg France T g

Convention for the Protection of Individuals with Regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data

1981 Strasbourg France T g

Convention for the Protection of Patents of Invention, Designs and Industrial Models

1910 T g

Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms Against Unauthorized Duplication of Their Phonograms

Geneva Convention 1971 Paris France T g

Convention for the Protection of Submarine Cables

1884 T g

Convention for the Protection of the Alps

Alpine convention 1991 T g

Convention for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage of Europe

1985 Strasbourg France T g

Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and Coastal Area of the Southeast Pacific

Lima Convention 1981 Guayaquil Ecuador T g

Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean

Barcelona Convention 1976 Athens Greece T g

Convention for the Protection of the Natural Resources and Environment of the South Pacific Region

SPREP convention 1986 Apia Samoa T g

Convention for the Protection of the Rhine Against Chemical Pollution

1976 T g

Convention for the Protection of the Rhine from Pollution by Chlorides Modified by Exchanges of Letters

1976 T g

Convention for the Protection on the Marine Environment for the North-East Atlantic

OSPAR Convention 1992 London UK T g

Convention for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Eastern African Region

Nairobi Convention 1985 Victoria Seychelles T g

Convention for the Reciprocal Recognition of Proof Marks on Small Arms

1969 T g

Convention for the Regulation of Hours of Work in Automatic Sheet-glass Works

1934 Geneva Switzerland T g

Convention for the Regulation of the Meshes of Fishing Nets and the Size Limits of Fish

1946 T g

Convention for the Regulation of the Unified Central American Consular Service

1912 T g

Convention for the Regulation of Transit and Communications on the System of the Danube-Save-Adriatic Railway Company

1923 T g

Convention for the Regulation of Whaling

1931 T g

Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage

2003 Paris France T g

Convention for the Settlement of Certain Conflicts of Laws in Connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes

1930 T g

Convention for the Settlement of Certain Conflicts of Laws in Connection with Cheques

1931 T g

Convention for the Settlement of Payments of Current Transaction and the Movements of Capital between States of the Arab League

1953 T g

Convention for the Suppression of Counterfeiting Currency

1929 T g

Convention for the Suppression of the Circulation of and Traffic in Obscene Publications

1923 T g

Convention for the Suppression of the Contraband Traffic in Alcoholic Liquors

1925 T g

Convention for the Suppression of the Illicit Traffic in Dangerous Drugs, 1936

1936 T g

Convention for the Suppression of the Illicit Traffic in Dangerous Drugs, 1946

1946 T g
