Global Civil Society & the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere

No Poverty

Eradicating extreme poverty for all people everywhere by 2030 is a pivotal goal of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Extreme poverty, defined as surviving on less than $2.15 per person per day at 2017 purchasing power parity, has witnessed remarkable declines over recent decades.

However, the emergence of COVID-19 marked a turning point, reversing these gains as the number of individuals living in extreme poverty increased for the first time in a generation by almost 90 million over previous predictions.

Even prior to the pandemic, the momentum of poverty reduction was slowing down. By the end of 2022, nowcasting suggested that 8.4 per cent of the world’s population, or as many as 670 million people, could still be living in extreme poverty. This setback effectively erased approximately three years of progress in poverty alleviation.

If current patterns persist, an estimated 7% of the global population – around 575 million people – could still find themselves trapped in extreme poverty by 2030, with a significant concentration in sub-Saharan Africa.

A shocking revelation is the resurgence of hunger levels to those last observed in 2005. Equally concerning is the persistent increase in food prices across a larger number of countries compared to the period from 2015 to 2019. This dual challenge of poverty and food security poses a critical global concern.

Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II

Convention Regarding Mutual Payment of Old-age Pensions

1949 T g

Convention Regulating Provincial, Communal and District Pensions

1923 T g

Convention Relative to the Monetary System, Customs, Weights and Measures, Fiscal Laws, International Trade and the Consular Service

1909 T g

Convention Respecting Reciprocity in the Granting of Benefits for Reduced Working Capacity

1953 T g

Convention Respecting Social Security

1955 T g

Convention Respecting the Consular Service

1910 T g

Convention Respecting the Free Navigation of the Suez Canal

1888 T g

Convention Respecting Transfers of Insured Persons from One Sick Fund to Another and Respecting Sickness Benefit During Temporary Residence

1953 T g

Convention to Extend and Coordinate Social Security Schemes in Their Application to the Nationals of the Parties to the Brussels Treaty

1949 T g

Cool Farm Alliance

CFA Grantham UK J

Cooperation Canada

1968 Ottawa ON Canada G

Coopération internationale de promotion et aides au développement

CIPAD 1995 Othée Belgium G

Cooperazione Internazionale

COOPI 1965 Milan Italy G

Cooperazione Italiana Nord-Sud

CINS 1988 Rome Italy G

Coordination SUD

1994 Paris France G y

Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security

CTI-CFF 2007 Manado Indonesia E g

Corporación Centroamericana de Servicios de Navegación Aérea

COCESNA 1960 Tegucigalpa Honduras F eg

Correspondence Service in Esperanto

1957 E v

Council for Health Service Accreditation in Southern Africa

Cohsasa 1995 Pinelands South Africa G

Council for MENA Affairs

ForMENA Brussels Belgium J

Council of Europe Convention on an Integrated Safety, Security and Service Approach at Football Matches and Other Sports Events

2016 T g

Council of Europe Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime and on the Financing of Terrorism

2005 Strasbourg France T g

Council of Europe Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society

2005 Strasbourg France T g

Council of Non-Governmental Organizations for Development Support

1982 Dakar Senegal E y

Council of Regional Organisations of the Pacific

CROP 1988 Suva Fiji E gy

Council on Foundations

CF 1949 Washington DC USA G y

Covenant House

1972 New York NY USA G

Crescendo Worldwide Network

2001 Geneva Switzerland F y

Cross Border Benefits Alliance-Europe

CBBA-Europe 2017 Brussels Belgium D

Cross International

Pompano Beach FL USA G

Cruelty Free International

1898 London UK G

CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness

CPDE 2012 Quezon City Philippines F y


1998 New Malden UK G

CTIF International Association of Fire and Rescue Services

1900 Ljubljana Slovenia C

CUAMM - Medici con l'Africa

1950 Padua Italy G

Cuso International

1961 Ottawa ON Canada G

Customs Convention Concerning Welfare Material for Seafarers

1964 Brussels Belgium T g

Cyan International

2009 Didcot UK G

Damien Foundation - Voluntary Organization for Leprosy and TB Control

AF 1964 Brussels Belgium G f


Stockton-on-Tees UK F

Danish International Human Settlement Service

1988 Aarhus Denmark G

Danish Refugee Council

DRC 1956 Copenhagen Denmark G y

Danube Civil Society Forum

DCSF 2011 Eisenstadt Austria F

Daughters of Mary Help of Christians

Salesian Sisters 1872 Rome Italy R

Daughters of St Mary of Providence

DSMP 1881 Rome Italy R

Daughters of St Mary of the Presentation

1826 Broons France R

Daughters of the Holy Spirit

1706 Rennes France R

David and Elaine Potter Charitable Foundation

2000 J f

Dayemi Complex Bangladesh

DCB 1969 Dhaka Bangladesh G

Debt Relief International

DRI 1997 London UK G
