Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party (ALDE Party)

Parti de l'Alliance des Démocrates et des Libéraus pour l'Europe
Partido de la Alianza de los Demócratas y Liberales por Europa
Europäische Liberale, Demokratische und Reformpartei
Partido Aliança dos Democratas e Liberais pela Europa
Partito dell'Alleanza dei Democratici e dei Liberali per l'Europa
Partij van de Alliantie van Liberalen en Democraten voor Europa
Partiet Alliansen Liberaler och Demorater för Europa
Alliancen af Liberale og Demokrater for Europa
Euroopan Liberaalidemokraattisten Puolueiden Liitto
Pairti Chomhghuailliocht na Liobralaithe agus na nDaonlathaithe don Eoraip
Strana Aliance Liberalu a Demokratu pro Evropu
Strana Aliancie liberalov Demokratov za Európu
A Liberalisok és Demokratak Szövetsége Európaért Part
Partia Porozumienia Liberalów Demokratów na rzecz Europy
Stranka Zaveznistva Liberalcev in Demokratov za Evropo
Euroopa Demokraatide ja Liberaalide Liidu Erakond
Partija "Eiropas Liberalu un Demokratu Apvieniba
Liberalu ir Demokratu Aljanso uz Europa Partija
Partit tal-Alleanza tal-Liberali u d-Democratiċi ghall-Ewropa
Partidul Alianta Liberalilor si Democratilor pentru Europa
Avrupa Icin Liberaller ve Demokratlar Ittifaki Partisi

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1976-03-27 Stuttgart Germany FR


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Bring together political parties and individuals in Europe who, within the framework of liberal, democratic and reformist ideals, wish to contribute to the European Union.


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Relations with Non-Governmental Organizations


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Subjects *

UN Sustainable Development Goals **

GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions



* Subject classification is derived from the organization names and aims.
** UN SDGs are linked to the subject classification.

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