Congregation of the Oblates of St Joseph (OSJ)

Congrégation des Oblats de Saint Joseph
Oblati di San Giuseppe (Giuseppini d'Asti)
Congregatio Oblatorum Sancti Ioseph, Astae Pompejae (OSI)

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1878 Asti Italy


Founded by Saint Joseph Marello. Final approval given, 11 Apr 1909, by the Holy See. Incorporated in the Church as a congregation of pontifical right, clerical by nature and composed of priests and brothers. Current Constitutions adopted 28 Apr 2000, Rome (Italy).


Promote the glory of God by sanctification of its members and the exercice of the apostolate; give witness to the evangelical counsels by the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience. Forms of apostolate: youth apostolate; parish apostolate; missionary apostolate; social apostolate; apostolate of devotion to St Joseph; co-workers in the apostolate.


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General Chapter (supreme authority of the Institute) meets every 6 years and elects Superior General and Councillors General. General Council is composed of 4 Councillors, of whom the first one elected is the Vicar General. With the deliberative vote of his Council, the Superior General appoints Procurator General, General Director of Formation, Treasurer General, Secretary General, and others in charge of general offices. Postulator General is appointed by the Superior General with the deliberative vote of his Council and the approval of the Holy See. Although fundamentally one under the Superior General with his Council, with the same Constitutions and the same General Directory, the Congregation is composed of General Curia, Province and Delegations. General Curia consists of Superior General, his Council, Procurator General, Treasurer General, Postulator General, Secretary General and Legal Representative (the superior of the General Curia is Superior General). Provinces: a Province is an organic unit of the Congregation within a definite territory, which by reason of its apostolic identity and its own resources in terms of formation, finances and the number of houses and religious, can subsist by itself under the authority of a Provincial Superior with his Council. Delegations: a Delegation is composed of a group of confreres or houses having a sort of unity among themselves, though without the elements required for establishing a Province; the Superior General, with the consent of his Council and after consulting the confreres involved, appoints the Delegate and 2 Councillors for a 3-year term. Council of the Congregation (an advisory body having as its purpose to preserve and foster the unity of the Congregation) is composed of Superior General, ex-Superiors-General, Councillors General, Treasurer General, Procurator, Postulator, General Director of Formation and the incumbent Provincials and Delegates. Houses: a community is made up of at least 3 confreres, one of whom must be a priest with perpetual vows; a house with fewer than 3 religious can be joined to one or more neighbouring houses and form with them a single community.

Relations with Inter-Governmental Organizations

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UN Sustainable Development Goals **

GOAL 4: Quality Education



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* Subject classification is derived from the organization names and aims.
** UN SDGs are linked to the subject classification.

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