Prof Amara Amara
IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Prof. Amara AMARA obtained his HDR (Confirmation of Leading Research Capabilities) from Evry University, a Ph.D. in computer science in 1989 and a Master in 1984 in microelectronics and computer science from Pierre and Marie Curie University (Paris VI).
In 1988 he joined IBM research and development laboratory at Corbeil-Essonnes as invited researcher where he was involved in SRAM memory design with advanced CMOS technologies. From 1989 to 1992, he was associate professor developing microelectronics academic programs for CEMIP (Microelectronic Center of Paris Iles-de-France) and took part actively in many European Research Projects. In 1992, he joined ISEP (Paris Institute for Electronics) in charge of the microelectronics laboratory where he headed a joint team (Paris VI and ISEP) involved in High Speed GaAs VLSI circuit design and developed curricula in Microelectronics. He was involved in education management and research management for almost 34 years. Currently he is Deputy Managing Director of ISEP in charge of Research and International Cooperation and member of the ISEP ExCom (5 members). His research interests are mainly focusing on Low Power and Low Voltage circuit design techniques and on Circuit and Device Co-design for advanced technologies (SOI, DGates FD SOI, Ultra Thin Body SOI, 3D Integration, molecular…). In 1999, he spent his sabbatical at Stanford University working as a visiting researcher in Professor De Micheli’s group.
ISEP Executive Committee has appointed Amara in the position of Director of Research with the goal of establishing advanced research activities at ISEP in the fields of micro and nanoelectronics, telecommunication, signal and image processing as well as computer engineering. He started from scratch and his continuous effort has led to the creation of a well established laboratory called LISITE which is now composed of 21 researchers, 18 PhD students split over 3 teams in addition to visiting scholars and visiting researchers. The laboratory is mostly funded by industry through collaborative research projects or bilateral research agreements. 17 PhD students among 20 he advised so far were funded by industry. His laboratory is now associated with the famous Doctoral School EDITE, one of the Doctoral Schools of the prestigious Pierre and Marie Curie University (UPMC).
Amara initiated many international partnerships with international universities, among them Stanford University, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Tsinghua University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), National Chiao Tung University (NCTU, Taiwan) and many other European and Asian universities.
Amara has a strong activity within IEEE since he joined this prestigious organization in 1992. He has been Vice President of the French IEEE Section since January 2004. He has been elected President of the IEEE France Section for a 3 years term starting from January 2014. From 2000 to 2004 he was Chairman of the IEEE-CAS France Chapter (Recipient of the 2004 Best Chapter of the Year Award and a Certificate of Appreciation from IEEE Regional Activities), he was member of the IEEE CASS Board of Governors (2008-2014) and was elected in November 2013 member of CASS Executive Committee as Vice President for Conferences (term 2014-2015) and reelected in November 2015 in the same position for the term 2016-2017. As VP for conferences he is the Chair of ISCAS (IEEE CASS Flagship Conference) Steering Committee. As President of the IEEE France Section, he represents France in the IEEE Region 8 board.
Among other activities, Amara is member of the Board of Directors of “ISEP-Enterprises” association, member of the CEMIP Executive Committee (Center for Microelectronics Education), former member of the CEA (Atomic Energy Agency) Scientific Committee, and expert for the Swiss National Science Foundation and the ANR (National research Agency). He initiated in 1997 FTFC, an IEEE Low Voltage and Low Power Conference. Amara is member of numerous Conference Technical Program Committees and Conference organizing Committees, member of the Editorial Board of Microelectronics Journal (ELSEVIER). He chaired IEEE ICICDT 2008 in Grenoble and IEEE ISCAS 2010 in Paris for which he has been awarded the Bronze Medals respectively of the cities of Grenoble and Paris.
Amara published a book on Molecular Electronics (more than 3000 chapters downloads from Elsevier web site) and co-edited two books: “Double-Gate FD SOI devices and circuits” and “Emerging Technologies and Circuits”. He is author and co-author of numerous papers published in IEEE conferences and journals. He supervised 20 PhD students on subjects related to his research interests.