title:Fraud Item: fraud / escroc / estafa: whrgesubmit, WHR, Celina Dowell

Conference Invitation on Women’s Human Rights 2024

Greetings from (WHR),

You are invited to participate in an International Conference on Women's Human Rights and Gender Equality Global Submit.

The event date is November 25th to 30th 2024 in Chicago, USA. The event organizers will cover the cost of your flight tickets and also assist you with the US Visa Application Processing (USAP) to enter the United States.

If you are interested, kindly contact the registrar's email for registration. Register Email: [  whrgesubmit@aol.com :  ].

title:Explore Busan’s Geological Wonders

With its hosting of the 37th International Geological Congress (IGC 2024), Busan has once again been thrust into the global limelight. Busan is home to Busan National Geopark, a beautiful geological park that the city is working to have certified as a UNESCO Global Geopark. Take a sneak peek at a recommended tour of Busan National Geopark where you can build geological knowledge while experiencing nature.

title:Coimbra Group Annual Conference 2024 in Turku, Finland was a success

The Coimbra Group Annual Conference and General Assembly attracted around 300 participants from 40 universities across Europe to Turku, Finland.

The Coimbra Group Annual Conference and General Assembly, hosted by the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University, was organized in Turku from June 4th to June 7th 2024. The event centered on the theme "Research and Education - Most Impactful Together", spotlighting the synergies between research and education.

title:Space research together, MICE together

The 45th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR 2024) is the first large international space event to be held in Korea since the foundation of the Korea Aerospace Administration (KASA). The Committee on Space Research is the largest consortium on space science in the world, and COSPAR 2024 brought together about 2,700 space scientists from approximately 60 countries, creating an opportunity to promote Korea’s achievements in space science over the years. As the host city of COSPAR 2024, Busan incorporated the value of sustainability into the international event.

title:A Space Science Experience in the MICE City of Busan

From July 13 to 21, the 45th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR 2024) was held at Busan’s BEXCO. The Committee on Space Research is the largest consortium on space science in the world, and COSPAR 2024 rallied about 2,700 space scientists from approximately 60 countries for discussions around future directions and international cooperation in space development. With the successful conclusion of COSPAR 2024 in Busan, the maritime MICE city is rising as a new center of the aerospace industry.


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