title:Annuaire de la vie internationale: tome I

Publié avec le concours de l'Institut international de bibliographie et l'Institut international de la Paix. Partie générale. Partie documentaire: Vie internationale publique; Vie internationale privée. Abstract: UIA comments from 1950 bibliography: description de 380 organismes internationaux gouvernementaux et non-gouvernementaux, index alphabétique et décimal, table onomastique, liste chronologique des réunions internationales tenues depuis 1843, et études diverses sur la vie internationale.

title:Terms of Use of UIA Associations Customized Data Extractions

UIA can provide a contracting party with data extracted from the UIA databases, on condition that the contracting party uses the data in accordance with UIA's mandate as described in UIA's privacy policy.

The contracting party may use this extracted data once and once only. The contracting party may not re-package, compile, re-distribute or re-use any or all of this data.

In using and storing this data the contracting party is responsible for its own compliance with privacy regulations.

title:Customized Services

UIA's Database

The UIA’s database is continuously updated and comprises two main data sets:

  • Organizations – over 75,000 descriptive profiles of international associations
  • Events – over 550,000 past and future international events of these associations

The UIA keeps annual snapshots of the data sets which also enables comparison across years.


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