
Primary tabs

First Name


Last Name


Confirm Email


Org ID


Allow Email


Email Address


Which country are you participating from?

Republic of Korea


South Korea

Reg Fee


Reg Fee w/VAT




Will you be present for the Round Table sessions in the afternoon on 11 October.

Yes, I will be present for the Round Table sessions on 11 October.

Will you be present for dinner on 11 October?

Yes, I will be present for dinner on 11 October.

Will you be present for the Round Table sessions in the morning on 12 October?

Yes, I will be present for the Round Table sessions on 12 October.

Will you join the UIA database training session from 11h00 - 12h30 on 11 October?

Yes, I will join the UIA database training session from 11h00 - 12h00 on 11 October.

Will you be present for the lunch on 12 October?

Yes I will be present for the lunch on 12 October.

Would you like to attend the pre-tour on October 11 from 8:30 - 12:30

I will not be attending the pre-tour on October 11

Do you agree with the above policies?

Yes, I agree.

Which tour would you like to attend on Friday October 13?

I will not participate in a post-event tour.

Will you be present for lunch on 11 October?

Yes, I will be present for lunch on 11 October.

Will you attend the Round Table sessions and International Symposium in the afternoon on Thursday 12 October?

Yes, I will attend the symposium on 12/10

Which association/entity are you representing?

Daejeon Tourism Organization

Where is your association/entity located? (City, Country)

Daejeon, Republic of Korea

Registration Type


I agree that my contact details can be shared with sponsors at the Round Table.


Will you be present for the dinner on 12 October?

Yes I will be present for the dinner on 12 October.

What is the accronym for your association/entity?