Submitted by amelia on
Message to all international associations!
At the request of several members, the FAIB, in partnership with its Associate member Deloitte, is conducting another survey on the financing of international associations. The results of this survey will be useful to the entire international associations´ community, either as an example or as a guidelines to reflect on their own methodology. (FAIB Privacy Policy)
We therefore thank you in advance for your input at the latest by 15 November 2019.
Replies are anonymous, and data received will be treated in the strictest confidentiality; individual responses will not be disclosed by our Partner Deloitte. It will only take 10 minutes of your time. The results of this survey will be shared with FAIB members and can be obtained by non-members who specifically request this by indicating their email address At the end of the survey, you will also have the opportunity of signing up for a free of charge two-hour individual analysis about the organisation of your financial structure offered by Deloitte. Thank you for your positive response. Do not hesitate to contact the FAIB team for additional information.
To take the survey, click here.
FAIB thanks you for your participation!