UIA Associations Workshops facilitated by UIA

UIA is a non-profit research institute to promote and facilitate international associations by

  • documenting their work
  • providing education
  • disseminating information
  • providing a networking platform

With this focus, and starting with 2017, the UIA offers its expertise and partnership in the implementation of a half day educational programme for associations to UIA Associate Members, and to further industry entitites such as offices of tourism, convention bureaus, and congress or trade show organizers. Such an educational event for associations can be realized the day before the start of the trade show.


  • UIA is responsible for the educational content and for selecting the speakers
  • A total of three facilitators / speakers / UIA staff will be in charge of the workshop
  • The host will pay for travel and accommodation of these three professionals (for one or two nights, depending on the needs)
  • UIA and the host will send invitations to associations. The circle of invited associations may include:
    • all trade show attendees from associations
    • any further associations the host wishes to invite
    • further international associations or groups of associations (such as those with an office in the region) selected from the UIA database
  • the educational event for associations will have a dual branding from UIA and the host
  • UIA will announce the event through channels such as its website, its social media accounts, its newsletter
  • the host is free to build a consortium with further industry partners
  • the host pays UIA € 5,000 to support UIA staff costs (for partners in Belgium and other EU countries that do not have a valid VAT number, the invoices will, according to Belgian law, add 21% VAT)

For more information, contact Clara Fernández López: