GeoProgress Global Forum (GGF) 2021

GeoProgress Global Forum (GGF) 2021 on: BUILDING THE I.E.F. - International Environment Fund. For a fair International Environmental System.

This initiative - promoted since 2016 by the GeoProgress Journal, published by Geoprogress, a non-profit research organization - is focusing in 2020 and 2021 on some key issues for sustainable global development.

Among these, the priority is undoubtedly to adjust and gradually rebalance the international environmental system and in particular where and how to find the financial means to promote this rebalancing. Additional key points are: the promotion of a sustainable development for all, coping with the unsustainability of the current economic development, which requires everywhere the research and dissemination of sounder technologies, but not least the search for alternative models of development. For this purpose Geoprogress intends to update the proposal to build the international Environment Fund (IEF) conceived as an international instrument for rebalancing and regulating the terrestrial ecosystem1. “The IEF would act as a compensation fund and regulator of environmental balance between nations, based upon a criterion of equity and international justice. This would be supplied by countries that are, environmentally speaking, debtors (essentially the industrialised nations) in proportion to their environmental deficit and per-capita income, and should finance the relevant projects and environmental policies of countries that are environmental creditors, in relation to their environmental surplus, to their per-capita income, and to their efforts in favour of protecting the environment for all humanity”.

The main actions planned towards this goal are:

1) Call for papers, useful for the construction and operation of the I.E.F (abstract by May 30, 2021)

2) Workshop for the discussion of the papers and of specific corrections-integrations to the original IEF proposal; definition of a new proposal to be submitted to national and international institutions ( by July 30, 2021);

3) Special Issue of the GeoProgress Journal, for publication (by October 30, 2021); of the scientific contributions, prior submission to referees, and other papers and results, as documents of the Workshop 4) International Conference at the European Union Parliament or at other international organizations, with the participation of MEPs and of representatives of governments from different countries (by October or November, 2021).