List of All UIA Publications
This is a complete list of all UIA publications since its foundation in 1907. Some of these publications are available for sale. More information is available by clicking on the 'Read more' link. A number of the publications are held in UIA's archive, as indicated. For more information about consulting our archives, please see UIA Archives.
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UIA Pub Nr | Title | Year | Editor/Author | Publisher | ISBN/ISSN | Additional Information | |
070 | Les congrés internationaux de San Francisco 1915: procès verbal de la réunion des délégues des associations internationales, tenue au siège de l'Union à Bruxelles, le 21 février 1914 | 1914 | Union of International Associations (Ed) | Union of International Associations | Extract from La vie internationale, 1914, 20 | ||
060 | The Union of International Associations - A World Center | 1914 | Union of International Associations (Ed) | Union of International Associations |
Read online Also published in 1990 by Elsevier: W B Rayward W B (Ed). The International Organization and Dissemination of Knowledge: Selected Essays of Paul Otlet |
046 | Actes du Congrés mondial des associations internationales, tenu à Bruxelles du 15 juin au 18 juin 1913 | 1914 | Union of International Associations (Ed) | Union of International Associations | |||
027b | Supplément numéro 1 au catalogue général | 1914 | Musée international | Union of International Associations | |||
027a | Catalogue général | 1914 | Musée international | Union of International Associations | |||
080 | Codification of Resolutions Adopted by the International Congresses of Chambers of Commerce: report presented to the World Congress of International Associations | 1913 | Denys P Myers | Union of International Associations | |||
069 | Terminologie du potentiel et de l'élasticité | 1913 | A Korn | Union of International Associations | Extract from La vie internationale, 1913, 19 | ||
068 | Une législation internationale en Egypte | 1913 | Albert Eeman | Union of International Associations | Extract from La vie internationale, 1913, 19 | ||
067 | La révision internationale de la technologie médicale | 1913 | Dr Blondel | Union of International Associations | Extract from La vie internationale, 1913, fasc. 18 | ||
066 | Cours international d'expansion économique | 1913 | F Van Caenegem | Union of International Associations | Extract from La vie internationale, 1913, 18 | ||
065 | La statistique internationale du commerce | 1913 | Albert Marinus | Union of International Associations | Extract from La vie internationale, 1913, fasc. 17 | ||
064a | La Belgique et le mouvement international: pour la création à Bruxelles d'un Palais international au service des associations internationales et à la formation de collections mondiales | 1913 | Union of International Associations (Ed) | Union of International Associations | |||
064 | Centre international | 1913 | Union of International Associations (Ed) | Union of International Associations | |||
063 | Unification des termes dans la désignation des divers degrés de l'enseignement | 1913 | Edward Peeters | Union of International Associations | Extract from La vie internationale, 1913, 16 | ||
062 | Théorie des unités | 1913 | Wilhelm Ostwald | Union of International Associations | Extract from La vie internationale, 1913, fasc. 16 | ||
061 | Le musée international et l'enseignement | 1913 | Paul Otlet | Union of International Associations | |||
059 | L'histoire de la science et l'organisation internationale | 1913 | Georges Sarton | Union of International Associations | Extract from La vie internationale, 1913, 15 | ||
058 | Le sionisme | 1913 | Alfred Valensi | Union of International Associations | Extract from La vie internationale, 1913, 13 | ||
057 | Ce que l'Amérique peut enseigner à l'Europe | 1913 | David Starr Jordan | Union of International Associations | Extract from La vie internationale, 1913, 15 | ||
056 | Congrès mondial des associations internationales: compte rendu sommaire de la deuxième section: Gand-Bruxelles, 15-18 juin 1913 | 1913 | Union of International Associations (Ed) | Union of International Associations | Extract from La vie internationale, 1913, 14 |