International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

West Africa Computer Science Institute

WACSI 1984 Accra Ghana U jvx XF0517

West Africa Environment Watch, Guinea

U x XJ0124

West Africa Regional Technical Assistance Project in Rehabilitation

Washington DC USA U s XU6398

West Africa Tropical and Sub-Tropical Fruit Genetic Resources Network


West African Association of Centres for the Handicapped

Bethesda MD USA U x XG2130

West African Association of Sciences Teachers

U d XU0170

West African Association of Universities and Research Institutions

U px XE0976

West African Beekeepers Association

U x XM4006

West African Building and Research Institute

U js XU1764

West African Cocoa Control Board

1938 U d XU8637

West African Cocoa Research Institute

U jx XU2148

West African Cricket Conference

WACC U d XF1172

West African Development Information System

WADIS U d XF1189

West African Economic Community Development Fund

1973 Ouagadougou Burkina Faso U fgx XF6286

West African Enterprise Fund

U df XK1326

West African Enterprise Network

WAEN 1993 U d XF3871

West African Fertilization Management and Evaluation Network

WAFMEN Lomé Togo U x XK1932

West African Film Corporation

U s XU1680

West African Labour Association

U d XE0974

West African Languages Survey

U x XU2181

West African Management Trainers Network

U x XU9933

West African Methodist Church

1844 Freetown Sierra Leone U x XG7022

West African Network for Agricultural Research Management

1993 U x XJ9111

West African Network for the Information Society

WANIS 1998 U x XF5585

West African News Media and Development Centre

WANAD 1984 U d XF0816
