International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Task Force for Human Resources, Education, Training and Youth of the European Commission

TF-HRETY 1989 U dg XF1695

Task Force on Communicable Disease Control in the Baltic Sea Regions

TFCDC 2000 U dg XK1999

Tax Payers Associations International

U x XN4860


Arlon Belgium U x XN5537

Te Deum International

1931 U x XG4481

Tea Research Foundation - Central Africa

1966 U fx XF0872

Tea Research Institute of East Africa

1951 U jn XU1050

Teach Overseas Institute

1981 U d XN7280

Teachers for Peace

U x XG6955

Teachers' Committee on Central America

TCCA 1981 Albany CA USA U x XN3533

Team 10

1953 U d XF6223

Team 16 Fire Safety Exchange

1990 U x XJ2059

Team Inspiration - Positive Operation International

TIPO International U d XU2370

Team International

Knokke-Heist Belgium U x XN8314

Technical Assistance and Promotion of Cross-Border Cooperation

LACE-TAP 1996 U d XF1705

Technical Assistance for Major Higher Education Programmes

ETAPE 1995 U dy XF3716

Technical Assistance Information Exchange Office

TAIEX 1996 U dg XE4363

Technical Cooperation and Research Centre for Workers' Education in Developing Countries

1971 U d XG2342

Technical Cooperation Network on African Oil Palm in Latin America and the Caribbean

1981 U dg XF0594

Technical Cooperation Network on Agricultural Biotechnology in Latin America and the Caribbean

1990 Santiago Chile U gx XF1458

Technical Cooperation Network on Agricultural Marketing and Food Supply in Latin America and the Caribbean

1982 U dg XF0678

Technical Cooperation Network on Agro-Forestry Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean

1986 U dg XF0617

Technical Cooperation Network on Alternative Sources of Energy for Rural Development in Latin America and the Caribbean

1987 U d XF0416

Technical Cooperation Network on Aquaculture in Latin America and the Caribbean

1986 U dg XF0635

Technical Cooperation Network on Dendroenergy in Latin America and the Caribbean

1986 U dg XF0658
