International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Service mond-ami

1973 Montréal QC Canada U x XN2123

Service of Women of the 7th Day Adventists Church

1991 Moscow Russia U x XG1873

Services auxiliaires de barreaux européens

SABE 1984 U d XE1490

Services for International Workers Cooperation

1980 De Rijp Netherlands U x XN2990

Services Informatics Expertise Advisory Group

SIX GROUP 1991 U d XE3251

Services World Forum

SWF 1987 Dublin Ireland U x XF2827

Servicio Iberoamericano de Información sobre la Traducción

SIIT 1986 U d XF1161

Servicio Interamericano de Información sobre Desarrollo Urbano

1951 U s XU2071

Servicio Paz y Justicia en América Latina

SERPAJ-AL 1974 Montevideo Uruguay U x XF2296

Servicio Radiofónico para América Latina

SERPAL 1980 U d XF9398

Servicio Técnico Interamericano de Cooperación Agricola

1943 U x XN1603


1972 Bogota Colombia U fx XN6816

Servizio Orientamento Cooperazione Internazionale

SOCI Milan Italy U x XN6982

Servizio Volontario Internazionale

SVI 1963 U d XN0928


U ex XF4794

Setec tourisme international

Paris France U x XG6790

Seva International

1989 Mumbai India U x XG3175

Seven Minutes of World Peace

New York NY USA U x XG7978

Sevilla Working Party on Legal Medicine in Europe

1986 Woerden Netherlands U vx XF1747

SFX - MetaLib Users Group

SMUG 2002 U d XM2656

Shair International Resource Centre

1970 Hamilton ON Canada U x XN2124

Shamballa International

U d XU4895

Shanghai Information Technology Promotion Centre

SITPC 2001 Vienna Austria U x XK2249

Shanghai International Settlement

1863 U d XU9418

Shanghai International Studies University

SISU 1949 Shanghai China U x XG7075
