International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Metal Polishers, Buffers, Platers and Allied Workers International Union

MPBP U d XG2094

Metaphysic Christian Unity

Caracas Venezuela U x XG8871

METDEV International

U x XG7870

Meteorological Network for Nile Basin

U px XU1713

Methodist Church in Ireland World Development and Relief Fund

1970 Magherafelt UK U fx XG0281

Methodist Peace Fellowship

MPF 1950 U x XG6143

Methylamines and Derivatives Producers Association

U d XE0764


1992 Brussels Belgium U x XF3450

Metra International

U x XU2944

Mexican Academy of Human Rights

1984 Mexico City Mexico U x XG7168

Mexican Academy of International Law

Mexico City Mexico U x XN3862

Mexico-Elmhurst Philatelic Society, International

MEPSI 1935 Irvine CA USA U x XN4972

Mezdunarodnaja Komissija po Rassledovaniju Prestuplenij Cilijskoj Voennoj Hunty

MKRP 1974 Helsinki Finland U x XF9373

Mezdunarodnaja Sistema Naucno-Tehniceskoj Informacii po Selskomu i Lesnomu Hozjajstvu


Mezdunarodnyj Institut Ekonomiceskih Problem Mirovoj Socialisticeskoj Sistemy

MIEP MSS 1970 U dgj XE0794

MG Octagon Car Club for Pre-56 MG's

1969 Stafford UK U x XN3615

Micah Challenge

2004 U d XJ6038

Michael Fund - International Foundation for Genetic Research

MF-IFGR 1978 Monroeville PA USA U fx XG6206

Michael Harding International Fan Club

MHIFC 1984 U x XN2666

Michael Jackson Observer International Fan Club

1989 Denver CO USA U x XN7975

Michelle Lynn International Fan Club

MLIFC 1978 Jacksonville FL USA U x XN3891

Micro Development Corps

1991 Brattleboro VT USA U x XN7005

Microbial Information Network Europe

MINE Baarn Netherlands U x XK0041

Microbial Strain Data Network

MSDN 1989 Sheffield UK U x XF2263

Micronesia Coalition

MC 1979 New York NY USA U x XN2280
