International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Unitarian Universalist Society for Alcohol and Drug Education

1886 North Weymouth MA USA U x XN5659

Unitarian World Development Office of Social Responsibility

London UK U x XG6920

United Allied Workers International Union

UAWIU 1957 Chicago IL USA U n XN1707

United Association of Christian Counselors International

UACCI 1981 U x XN1250

United Baltic Appeal

1966 Bronx NY USA U x XG0138

United Cement, Lime and Gypsum Workers International Union

UCLG 1939 U d XU1052

United Conservation Alliance

U x XG2582

United European Communication Association

Benfleet UK U x XG4216

United European-African Society

Vienna Austria U x XG8981

United for Innovation and Quality in Education

UNIQUE 2007 Vienna Austria U d XJ5776

United Games of Nations

1989 U d XN5795

United Hatters, Cap and Millinery Workers International Union

HCMW 1934 U n XG7733

United Humanitarian Organization

UHO Mariastein Switzerland U x XG9936

United Indian Missions International

UIMI 1956 Flagstaff AZ USA U x XN3885

United International Thalidomides

UNITH Driebergen Netherlands U x XF3550

United Israel World Union

UIWU 1944 New York NY USA U x XN3332

United Jewish International Cultural Organization

1946 U d XU7176

United Maritime Authority

U d XU9395

United Maritime Consultative Council

U dg XU9397

United Methodist Church - East Africa Annual Conference

Nairobi Kenya U x XK1899

United Nations Advance Mission in Cambodia

UNAMIC 1991 U dg XF2397

United Nations and Related Agencies Staff Movement for Disarmament and Peace

UN SMDP 1983 U d XF0578

United Nations Angola Verification Mission

UNAVEM 1988 U dg XF0067

United Nations Aouzou Strip Observer Group

UNASOG 1994 U dg XU5366

United Nations Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Lebanon

