International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Union of European Rice Millers' Associations of the EU

1961 U dt XE3364

Union of European States

U dp XU9366

Union of Indian Nations

UNI Sao Paulo Brazil U x XN1355

Union of International Organizations Operating in Hungary

INTERUNIO 1991 Budapest Hungary U x XF3505

Union of International Research and Action for Full Development

UNIR U x XG7305

Union of Islamic Organizations in Europe

U x XJ7647

Union of Maritime Carriers between Islamic Countries

U s XU1936

Union of Mediterranean Towns

1976 U d XE5069

Union of Nile States

1955 U gx XJ7466

Union of Paper and Carton Distributors in the European Economic Community

1957 U d XU4983

Union of Protestant Churches of West Africa

U s XU0376

Union of Societies of Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries

1958 Moscow Russia U x XN6437

Union of Southeast Asian Geological Societies

U x XU4466

Union of the Franciscan Ministers General

Rome Italy U x XE2300

Union of the Hansa Cities

1980 U s XU8718

Union of the Mediterranean Women

1979 U d XD8502

Union of War and Work Veterans of the CIS

U x XJ3057

Union of Writers of the African Peoples

UWAP 1975 Pittsburgh PA USA U vx XD0503

Union pan-Pacifique

U d XU6325

Union panafricaine pour le développement de la francophonie

UNADEF Douala Cameroon U x XJ3431

Union panmacédonienne d'Europe

1993 U d XE2066

Union pédiatrique méditerranéenne

U x XU1047

Union positiviste pour le culte de l'humanité

U d XU7776

Union pour l'expansion de la presse française dans le monde

UNIPRESSE 1946 Paris France U x XN8281

Union pour la paix par la vérité

U x XU1231
