International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Technical Peace Research Group, Göteborg

U d XG0535

Techniciens bâtisseurs du monde

TBM 1994 La Gaude France U x XG4885

Techniques sans frontières

TSF U x XG3981

Technologie sans frontière

Brussels Belgium U x XN7548

Technology and Investment Enhancement Strategy

TIES 1978 U d XF0453

Technology for the People

TFTP 1978 U d XG4934

Technology for Water Resources

TECHWARE 1990 Capoterra Italy U xy XF2288

Technology Initiative for Disabled and Elderly People

TIDE 1993 U dg XK0368

Technology Transformation International

Tokyo Japan U x XG4495

Teen Suicide Prevention League

London UK U x XN3664

Teenagers for Unity

1984 Rome Italy U x XK0561

TEF VATER International Support Network

1990 Upper Marlboro MD USA U x XN8531

Tekiah - Association of Hillel-Jewish Campus Professionals

AHJCP 1949 U d XN3148

Telecenters of the Americas Partnership

TAP U d XM0455

Telecommunications Cooperative Network

TCN 1998 U x XG3956

Telecommunications Information Networking Architecture Consortium

TINA Consortium 1990 U d XF4982

Telecommunications International Union

TIU 1949 U x XG7771

Telecottages International

Buxtehude Germany U x XG0243

Télémanipulation dans les environnements nucléaires dangereux et perturbés

TELEMAN Programme 1989 Brussels Belgium U dg XK0110


1992 U dg XK0900

Telematics for African Development Consortium

TAD 1995 U d XG7078

Telematics for the Environment

1994 U dg XK1539

Télévision andine

U s XU7402

Television Broadcast Europe

Dublin Ireland U x XN6847

Television Without Frontiers

1989 Brussels Belgium U gx XK1430
