International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

International Secretariat for Transborder Data Flows

1978 U s XD7455

International Secretariat of European Nuclear Disarmament International Liaison Committee

U d XE1122

International Secretariat of Jurists for Amnesty and Democracy in Paraguay

1985 U dv XE2701

International Secretariat of Musical Arts

1986 Blaasveld Belgium U x XN2749

International Secretariat of Professional Groups in the Chemical Industry of the European Community Countries

U dt XH2529

International Secretariat of Solidarity with Arab Peoples and their Central Cause, Palestine

Tripoli Libya U x XN3706

International Secretariat of the Fourth International

1953 U x XF3935

International Secretariat of the Knitwear and Hosiery Industries

U st XU7700

International Secretariat of Women's Charitable Rural Work

U x XU2766

International Securities Market Association

ISMA 1969 U dy XF0140

International Security and Detective Alliance

ISDA 1984 U d XN4780

International Security Association

U s XG5706

International Security Council

ISC 1984 U x XG0106

International Security Officers Police and Guards

Brooklyn NY USA U x XN1268

International Seebeck Study Society

ISSS 1986 U d XN3907

International Seed and Grain Science Centre

Tegucigalpa Honduras U x XG5007

International SEMATECH

1987 U d XN2214

International Seminar on Computational Aspects of the Finite Elements Methods

U x XU6079

International Sercer Society

Greenville KY USA U x XN4362

International Sericultural Training, Research and Study Centre

1975 U d XE5354

International Service

1953 U d XG1951

International Service Centre for and about Nongovernmental Organizations

1949 U dp XJ7166

International Service for National Agricultural Research

ISNAR 1979 Addis Ababa Ethiopia U d XF3793

International Service for Refugees and Peace

Yaoundé Cameroon U x XG9042

International Service of Railroads

U ds XU9376
