International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

International Network of Human Development and Child Research Centres

U d XF0365

International Network of Innovative School Systems

INIS 1997 U d XF4656

International Network of Language Services

INLS 1988 U d XN3508

International Network of Lesbian and Gay Officials

INLGO 1985 U d XN8744

International Network of Music and Dance

CHAIN 1992 U d XF4790

International Network of NGOs for Emergency and Development

INNED 1994 U d XE2998

International Network of Observatories of Research on Creativity in Science, Art and Management

Florence Italy U x XF2698

International Network of Odonatological Information

INOI 1997 Kidderminster UK U dp XJ5278

International Network of Packing and Routing Organizations

INPRO U x XU1191

International Network of Peace Groups of Neutral and Non-Aligned Countries


International Network of Pensions Regulators and Supervisors

INPRS 2000 U dgy XF6393

International Network of Protection Specialists

INPS U d XN7510

International Network of Psychology-Based Man-Computer Interaction Research

MACINTER 1983 U dv XF0367

International Network of Public Libraries

INPL U dv XF5670

International Network of Research Centres in Behavioural Ecology - Environmental Psychology

U d XF0364

International Network of Research Communication

U x XU9856

International Network of Skeptical Organizations

Amherst NY USA U x XF6642

International Network of Solar Energy Centres in the Mediterranean Countries


International Network of Somewhere in Time Enthusiasts

INSITE 1990 Oak Creek WI USA U vx XN6679

International Network of Strategic Philanthropy

INSP 2001 U dy XF6597

International Network of Students from Bosnia and Herzegovina

Graz Austria U x XN6393

International Network of Subcontracting, Industrial Cooperation and Partnership Organizations

1990 U dt XF3383

International Network of Supervised Visitation Services

1998 U d XF4768

International Network of Taxonomy and Classification

U d XK1101

International Network of the Poor for Urban Transformation

INPUT 1990 U x XG0574
