International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Information Society Promotion Office

ISPO 1994 U d XK1209

Information Society Standardization System

ISSS 1997 U d XE3512

Information Society Technologies Programme

IST Programme 1998 U dg XE3585

Information System for the Mining Sector

INFOMIN Santiago Chile U x XF9338

Information System on Transnational Corporations

1976 New York NY USA U gx XF7418

Information Systems and Control Foundation

ISACF 1976 U df XK2175

Information Technology Association of America

ITAA U n XG5790

Information Technology for Humanitarian Assistance, Cooperation and Action

ITHACA 2006 U d XJ9506

Information Technology Marketing Association

ITMAR U d XE0894

Information Unit on Militarization and Demilitarization in Asia

IUMDA 1984 Delhi India U x XG1117

Information- and Meeting Centre for Supranational Cooperation

U x XU3712


INFODEV 1973 Strasbourg France U x XG1492

Information, Alternatives and Opposition Network International

IAO Berlin Germany U x XN5783

Information, formation et animation wallonnes, régionales et européennes

IFA-WRE Liège Belgium U x XN3324

Information, formation, promotion professionnelle des femmes

IFPPF U tx XG5335

Information, promotion et coopération internationales

IPCI Brussels Belgium U x XN1758

Informationsdienst für Lutherische Minderheitskirchen in Europa

Budapest Hungary U x XN3666

Informationsprojekt Naher und Mittlerer Osten

INAMO 1994 U d XG3656

Informationsteknologi och Datapedagogik i Undervisningen

IDUN 1995 U dg XK1412

Informatique et biosphère

1971 Paris France U x XF3483

Informer et enseigner l'Europe et la démocratie

IEED Brussels Belgium U x XN7095

Informer, aider, développer le Tiers-monde

IAD Tiers Monde U x XG7880

INFOSEC Business Advisory Group

IBAG 1991 U dy XF2538

InfoSud - Agence de presse et de documentation

1982 Lausanne Switzerland U x XN1532

Ingénierie tourisme en accessibilité et confort

ITAC Toulon France U x XG7786
