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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Institute for Corporate Culture Affairs

ICCA 2003 E j XM2539

Institute for Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems

IDERS E c XM4501

Institute for Ecumenical Research, Strasbourg

1965 Strasbourg France E j XE0796

Institute for European Environmental Policy

IEEP 1976 Brussels Belgium E j XE6380

Institute for European Traffic Law

IETL 2003 Bertrange Luxembourg E j XM0673

Institute for Global Environmental Strategies

IGES 1998 Hayama Japan E jy XN9300

Institute for Historical Justice and Reconciliation

IHJR 2004 Leiden Netherlands E j XJ7082

Institute for Liquid Atomisation and Spray Systems - Europe

ILASS-Europe 1983 Lisbon Portugal E j XE2904

Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems - Asia

ILASS-Asia 1991 E j XG8503

Institute for Psychohistory

New York NY USA E j XM0284

Institute for Research, Extension and Training in Agriculture

IRETA 1980 Apia Samoa E gj XE1493

Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee

ISIC 1990 The Hague Netherlands E j XG0448

Institute for the Integration of Latin America and the Caribbean

1965 Buenos Aires Argentina E gj XD1025

Institute Max von Laue - Paul Langevin

ILL 1967 Grenoble France E gj XF4747

Institute of Appropriate Technology Transfer to Marginal Sectors of the Andrés Bello Convention

1986 Lima Peru E gj XE5997

Institute of Development Management

IDM 1974 Gaborone Botswana E j XE0213

Institute of European Democrats

IED 2007 Brussels Belgium E j XM6471

Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama

INCAP 1949 Guatemala Guatemala E gj XD1035

Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office

epi 1977 Munich Germany E jvt XE2366

Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Loreto Generalate

IBVM NGO 2003 New York NY USA E AA5137

Institute of University Management and Leadership

IGLU-Leaders 1983 Montréal QC Canada E j XE6067

Institute on Disability and Public Policy

IDPP 2011 E j XM5743

Institutional Development Programme between European and Latin American Universities

COLUMBUS Association 1987 Geneva Switzerland E XE2332

Instituto Centro Americano de la Salud

ICAS San José Costa Rica E j XE3535

Instituto Centroamericano de Estudios Sociales

ICAES 1964 E j XE5910


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