International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

International Hoplology Society

IHS Sedona AZ USA U x XQ0330

International Horse Travel Organization

Liège Belgium U x XN5504

International Horticultural Association

Matsudo Japan U x XN7123

International Hospice Institute

U jx XN3959

International Hospitality Center

U s XU4532

International Hot Boat Association

IHBA Albuquerque NM USA U x XN9735

International Hotel and Tourism Training Institute

IHTTI 1984 U de XG3233

International Hotel Association South Asia

IHASA 1985 U d XE1710

International House of Journalists, Balatonszéplak

U d XK1009

International House of Poetry

1955 U vx XF2496

International House, Ibaraki

U x XN6597

International Housing Committee

IHC U d XH6301

International Housing Research Institute

U js XU5727

International Hoya Association

IHA Central Point OR USA U x XQ0140

International Hug Center

IHC 1982 Pittsburgh PA USA U x XN4086

International Hugo von Hofmannsthal Society

U n XU0735

International Human and Universal Energy Research Institute - Europe

IHUERI - Europe 1993 Queue-du-Bois Belgium U jn XN5307

International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change

IHDP 1990 U d XF1577

International Human Resources, Business and Legal Research Association

IHRBLR 1981 Washington DC USA U x XN0048

International Human Rights Commission

IHRC 1988 Karachi Pakistan U ds XG9849

International Human Rights Council

IHRC 1994 U dv XF4339

International Human Rights Internship Program

IHRIP 1976 U d XF0782

International Human Rights Law Association

IHRLA 1988 Tokyo Japan U x XN4853

International Human Rights Legal Group

U x XU2752

International Human Rights Network

IHRN 1996 U d XM1800
