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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Interlingua Institute

1970 U dj XF1326

Intermedia, New York NY

1970 U d XN1078

Intermédiaire sociologique

1910 U d XU5178

Intermedica - Medical Aid for Developing Countries

1964 U d XG3334


U x XU0818

Internacia Biblio-Misio

Boronia VIC Australia U x XN8287

Internacia Celado por Edukado Moderna per Esperanto

ICEM Esperanto 1976 U dv XE2157

Internacia Centro de Absolutaj Kontrau-militistoj

U d XU7770

Internacia Esperantista Heksa-Saka Klubo

IEHSK 1983 U dv XE0127

Internacia Kooperativa Esperanto-Organizo

IKEO U d XD0963

Internacia Kultura kaj Kleriga Centro

Poprad Slovakia U x XG4063

Internacia Libro-Klubo Esperanta

ILKE 1975 U d XF6711

Internacia Ligo de Esperantistaj Foto- Kino- Magnetofon- Amatoroj

ILEF 1963 U d XD2214

Internacia Minista Esperanto-Societo

IMES U d XF0946

Internacia Naturkuracista Asocio

INA 1986 Krefeld Germany U vx XF5333

Internacia Poastista kaj Telekomunikista Esperanto-Asocio

IPTEA 1966 U vx XE2790

Internacia Reto de Esperantistaj Historiistoj

Montréal QC Canada U x XG8404

Internacia Societo Esperantista por la Pace

1905 U d XU2741

Internacia TradukReto pere de Esperanto

ITRE 1994 U dv XF3923

Internacio Uniono Pedagogiala

U d XU7726

Internationaal Agro Business Centrum, Breda

IABC Breda Netherlands U x XN7021

Internationaal Anti-Tabak Instituut

IATI Zwalm Belgium U jx XN7066

Internationaal Archief voor de Vrouwenbeweging

IAV 1935 U d XU1821

Internationaal Centrum Leo Sjestow

Kampenhout Belgium U x XN5964

Internationaal Centrum voor Arbeiderssamenwerking

ICAS U x XG0922


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