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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Institute of Slavonic and Balkan Studies

Moscow Russia U jx XG8067

Institute of Slavonic Studies

1922 Prague Czechia U jx XN6906

Institute of Social Developments and Politics

Aalborg Denmark U jx XG5134

Institute of Social Science Research in Developing Countries, The Hague

IMWOO U dj XU3157

Institute of Social Studies Trust

1964 U fjx XG3090

Institute of Socialist Countries

1972 Warsaw Poland U jx XG8032

Institute of South Asian Studies, Strasbourg

Strasbourg France U jx XG5596

Institute of South West African Architects

1952 Windhoek Namibia U jx XG2464

Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Guangzhou

Guangzhou China U jx XG3317

Institute of Southern African Studies

ISAS 1979 U dj XG2699

Institute of Spanish American Studies, Coahuila

Coahuila Mexico U jx XG0418

Institute of Spanish and Latin American Studies, Augsburg

Augsburg Germany U jx XG5012

Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Moscow Russia U jx XN0004

Institute of Strategic Studies, Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires Argentina U jx XG5551

Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad

1973 Islamabad Pakistan U jx XG9882

Institute of Studies in International Development and Cooperation

1987 Bilbao Spain U jx XN0673

Institute of Study and Documentation on the European Community and Eastern Europe

1969 U dj XG7125

Institute of the Social and Economic Problems of Foreign Countries

Kiev Ukraine U jx XN7637

Institute of Theory of State and Law

Berlin Germany U jx XN1514

Institute of Third World Studies, Seoul

Seoul Korea Rep U jx XG4979

Institute of Tourism and Development Studies, Bedford

ITDS Bedford UK U jx XG2787

Institute of Training and Development, Marlow

1964 U jx XG2903

Institute of Transport Administration

IoTA 1944 Southampton UK U jx XN1052

Institute of Tropical Agriculture and Food Crop Research

U dj XG5873

Institute of Tropical Architecture and Agriculture

Tropicales Belmopan Belize U jx XG0996


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