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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Institute of Oriental Studies, Dushanbe

Dushanbe Tajikistan U jx XG2446

Institute of Oriental Studies, Georgian Academy of Sciences

Tbilisi Georgia U jx XG2956

Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow

1950 Moscow Russia U jx XG1976

Institute of Oriental Studies, Seoul

1970 Seoul Korea Rep U jx XG2702

Institute of Overseas Chinese Studies, Fujian

Fujian China U jx XN6895

Institute of Pacific Ocean Geography

Vladivostok Russia U jx XN3548

Institute of Pacific Relations

IPR 1925 U dj XU1037

Institute of Pacific Studies

IPS 1976 U dj XE3949

Institute of Peace Research and Action, Delhi

IPRA Delhi India U jx XG0889

Institute of Peace Research and Human Ecology

1978 U dj XG1011

Institute of Peace Studies, Tokyo

Tokyo Japan U jx XG0987

Institute of Personnel Management / Southern Africa

IPM Johannesburg South Africa U jx XF3035

Institute of Political Science, Aarhus

Aarhus Denmark U jn XN4990

Institute of Political Science, Oslo

Oslo Norway U jx XN1465

Institute of Politics and International Relations, Moscow

IPIR Moscow Russia U jx XG2558

Institute of Polynesian Languages and Literatures

Auckland New Zealand U jx XN6616

Institute of Psychiatry - International Mental Health

IMH U dj XM0718

Institute of Public Administration, New York

IPA 1906 U dj XN7809

Institute of Public and International Law, Oslo

1957 Oslo Norway U jx XG0737

Institute of Public Relations, London

IPR 1948 London UK U jx XN1020

Institute of Pyramidology

IOP 1940 Chesham UK U jx XN2037

Institute of Research in Education and Development, Wien

IBE U dj XU6158

Institute of Research on the Built Environment

1971 U dj XG5246

Institute of Romance Studies

London UK U jx XN4188

Institute of Rural Life at Home and Overseas

1949 U jx XU1466


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