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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Institute of Fundamental Studies, Sri Lanka

IFS 1981 Kandy Sri Lanka U jx XN4096

Institute of Hispanic Studies

1978 U dj XG3906

Institute of Human Ageing

Liverpool UK U jx XN3339

Institute of Ibero-American Studies, Gothenburg

1939 U dj XG7207

Institute of Information Scientists

IIS 1958 U jn XN0097

Institute of Inter-American Studies, Santiago

U js XU5714

Institute of Inter-Balkan Relations

U dj XG8226

Institute of Internal Auditors - Benelux

IIA - Benelux 1977 U dj XK1495

Institute of International Action and Cooperation


Institute of International Affairs of Aichi University

1948 Aichi Japan U jx XN6599

Institute of International Affairs, Boissy Saint Léger

1988 U dj XG0002

Institute of International Affairs, Pyongyang

Pyongyang Korea DPR U jx XG4985

Institute of International and European Law

Copenhagen Denmark U jx XN2360

Institute of International Business, Krasnodar

U jx XJ2332

Institute of International Comparative Education

Hamburg Germany U jx XN5577

Institute of International Economic Law, Helsinki University

1991 U dj XN6312

Institute of International Economy, Tel Aviv

IIE U jx XN7338

Institute of International Humanitarian Law, Bogota

Bogota Colombia U jx XG2808

Institute of International Law and Economics, Moscow

U jx XN9101

Institute of International Law, Huban

1913 Huban China U jx XN2600

Institute of International Medical Education

IIME 1974 U jx XU5775

Institute of International Peace Studies, Seoul

IIPS 1985 Seoul Korea Rep U jx XG0611

Institute of International Politics, Ankara

U jx XJ4150

Institute of International Public Law, Krakow

Krakow Poland U jx XN1693

Institute of International Relations for Advanced Studies on Peace and Development in Asia

IIR 1969 U dj XG4942


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