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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Institute for the Economy of Developing Countries

Berlin Germany U jx XN3808

Institute for the Evaluation of Energy and Environment Strategies in Europe

INESTENE 1987 Paris France U jx XG7466

Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science

1965 Zagreb Croatia U jx XG1329

Institute for the History of Arabic Science, Aleppo

IHAS 1976 Aleppo Syrian AR U jx XN6446

Institute for the History of European Law, Fukuoka

Fukuoka Japan U jx XN4470

Institute for the Integrated Study of Future Generations

1992 Kyoto Japan U jx XG3141

Institute for the Management of Information Systems

IMIS 1978 Swanley UK U djv XE2654

Institute for the Mediterranean and the Arab World

IMA 1995 Deurne Belgium U jx XN7011

Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen

IPSC 2001 U dgj XK2117

Institute for the Sociology of Africa, Warsaw

Warsaw Poland U jx XN2220

Institute for the Spread of Islam

1984 U jx XJ7643

Institute for the Studies of the Future, Sao Paulo

1993 Sao Paulo Brazil U jx XG5020

Institute for the Study and Application of Integrated Development

ISAID 1975 U jx XG4899

Institute for the Study of American Religions

ISAR 1969 Santa Barbara CA USA U jx XG1924

Institute for the Study of Conflict, Ideology and Policy

ISCIP 1988 U dj XN7275

Institute for the Study of Developing Countries, Leuven

Leuven Belgium U jx XN1163

Institute for the Study of Foreign Languages, Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro Brazil U jx XN7726

Institute for the Study of Human Issues

ISHI U jx XG3111

Institute for the Study of International Organisations

ISIO 1967 Brighton UK U jx XG1770

Institute for the Study of Man in Africa

ISMA 1961 Parktown South Africa U jx XN1507

Institute for the Study of Transport in European Integration

ISTIEE 1959 U dj XN2966

Institute for the Study of Universal History through Arts and Artifacts

ISUH 1973 U dj XU9699

Institute for the Study of World Politics, Washington DC

ISWP 1972 U dj XG1584

Institute for the Universal Islamic Liberation

U jx XU1567

Institute for Training in Distance Education

Delhi India U jpx XJ9378


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