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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Europa Nostra

1963 The Hague Netherlands D y XD0538

Europäische ARGE Landenentwicklung and Dorferneuerung

ARGE 1988 St Pölten Austria D XM5309

Europäische Föderation der Rinderrassen des Alpensystems

1992 Gressan Italy D XM7821

Europäische Föderation für Ingenieurbiologie

EFIB 1995 Vienna Austria D XD9308

Europäische Musikschul-Union

EMU 1973 Cologne Germany D XD1478

Europäische Schornsteinfegermeister-Föderation

ESCHFOE 1954 St Augustin Germany D XD5767

Europäische Vereinigung der Gemeinschaften zur Zertifizierung von Entsorgungsfachbetrieben

EVGE 2004 Bonn Germany D XJ8134

Europäischer Arbeitskreis für Konzentrative Bewegungstherapie

EAKBT 2001 Dornach Switzerland D XJ5283

Europäischer Leitverband der Hersteller von Industrieheizsystemen e.V.

ELVHIS 1994 Cologne Germany D XD7972

Europäischer Verband der Standesbeamtinnen und Standesbeamten

EVS 2000 Zoetermeer Netherlands D XJ6698

Europäischer Verband Freikirchlicher Diakoniewerke

evfdiakonie 1907 Hamburg Germany D XD1473

Europan Committee for Conservation of Bryophytes

ECCB 1990 Portree UK D XM4753


2001 Brussels Belgium D t XD8864

EUROPEADE - International Association for European Folk Cultures

1964 Sint-Pauwels Belgium D v XD8356

European 8-Ball Pool Federation

EEPF Hemel Hempstead UK D XD6961

European Academy for Life Research, Integration and Civil Society

2004 D XJ5972

European Academy for Standardisation

EURAS 1993 Melle Germany D v AA2057

European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology

EAACI 1956 Zurich Switzerland D XD0540

European Academy of Caring Science


European Academy of Cosmetic Surgery

EACS 1996 D v XD7246

European Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine

EADSM 2006 Münster Germany D XM8468

European Academy of Dento Maxillo Facial Radiology

EADMFR 2004 Diegem Belgium D XJ6933

European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery

EAFPS 1977 Lübeck Germany D v XD8088

European Academy of Food Engineering

EAFE Cork Ireland D XM5093

European Academy of Gynaecological Cancer

EAGC 1999 D XJ3773


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