International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Association européenne pour le développement et la santé

AEDES 1984 Brussels Belgium D XD6080

Association européenne pour le droit bancaire et financier

AEDBF 1988 Paris France D XD2683

Association européenne pour le fleurissement et le paysage

AEFP 1996 D XD4881

Association for African Medicinal Plants Standards

AAMPS 2005 Port Louis Mauritius D XM4552

Association for Cancer Immunotherapy

CIMT 2002 Mainz Germany D AA1965

Association for Cemetery and Crematoria in the Nordic Countries

1997 Stockholm Sweden D XD8282

Association for Clinical Data Management

ACDM 1987 Wantage UK D AA4602

Association for Common European Nursing Diagnoses, Interventions and Outcomes

ACENDIO 1995 Klundert Netherlands D XD6031

Association for Competition Economics

ACE 2003 D AA2551

Association for Computers and the Humanities

ACH 1978 Boston MA USA D XD6617

Association for Cooperation on Sustainable Development and Sustainable Construction in the Mediterranean

SD-MED Association 2004 Athens Greece D XM0030

Association for Cultural Economics International

ACEI 1992 Melbourne VIC Australia D v XD4864

Association for Dental Education in Europe

ADEE 1974 Dublin Ireland D XD0008

Association for Development and Advancement for the Global Democracy Award

2001 Vienna Austria D XM0309

Association for East Asian Environmental History

AEAEH 2009 D AA0233

Association for Educational Assessment - Europe

AEA Europe 2000 London UK D XD8900

Association for Educational Assessment in Africa

AEAA 1982 Mbabane Eswatini D XD8371

Association for Engineering Education in Southeast Asia and the Pacific

AEESEAP 1973 Beijing China D XD6501

Association for Environmentally Friendly Carpets

1990 Aachen Germany D XD3994

Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology

AEPC 1963 Geneva Switzerland D v XD0130

Association for European Transport

AET 1998 Newbury UK D XD6854

Association for Financial Markets in Europe

AFME 2009 London UK D XJ2825

Association for Fire Ecology

AFE 2000 Eugene OR USA D AA1954

Association for Geospatial Information in South-East Europe

AGISEE Sofia Bulgaria D XJ9086

Association for Gnotobiotics

1961 D XD6555
