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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Statisticians Without Borders

2015 Hail Saudi Arabia N XM8609

Conference of Gulf States Ministers of Agriculture

Riyadh Saudi Arabia S cg XS7374

Convention for the Conservation of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Environment

Jeddah convention 1982 Jeddah Saudi Arabia T g XT8291

Protocol Concerning Regional Cooperation in Combating Pollution by Oil and other Harmful Substances in Case of Emergency

1982 Jeddah Saudi Arabia T g XT8220

Al-Quds Fund

1976 Jeddah Saudi Arabia U fgx XF1215

Arab Satellite Communications Institute

Riyadh Saudi Arabia U gjx XF0063

Centre for Research in Islamic Economics

1977 Jeddah Saudi Arabia U x XN3493

Centre for Research in Islamic Education, Makkah

1980 Makkah Saudi Arabia U x XN6438

General Committee for Relief

Jeddah Saudi Arabia U x XE3476

Health Development International

Khobar Saudi Arabia U n XG7297

High Committee for Assistance to Bosnia-Herzegovina and Somalia

Riyadh Saudi Arabia U x XG4858

International Businessmen of Jeddah

1977 Jeddah Saudi Arabia U x XN5101

Islamic Common Market

Jeddah Saudi Arabia U gpx XF4620

Islamic University - Medinah Munawwarah

1961 Medina Saudi Arabia U x XG8056

Islamic World Council of Disability and Rehabilitation

ICDR 1996 Riyadh Saudi Arabia U x XE3881

Office for the Boycott of Israel

Jeddah Saudi Arabia U gx XK0311

Regional Centre for Rehabilitation and Training of Blind Girls

1974 Riyadh Saudi Arabia U x XG5195

Regional Committee for the Middle East of the World Blind Union

1973 Riyadh Saudi Arabia U d XD3195

Regional Talking Book Library

1975 Riyadh Saudi Arabia U x XG5196

Saudi European Petrochemical Company, Saudi Arabia

IBN ZAHR Al Jubayl Saudi Arabia U ex XF3188


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