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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Andean Presidential Council

1990 Lima Peru K g XE4200

Consejo Consultivo Empresarial Andino

CCEA 1998 Lima Peru K XK1809

International Center for Studies and Research, Arequipa

1961 Arequipa Peru N XN1120

Missionary Servants of the Poor of the Third World

1986 Cusco Peru R XN9693

Meeting of Ministers of Health in the Andean Region

1971 Lima Peru S cg XS0119

Academia Andina de Derecho Internacional Público

AADIP Tacna Peru U px XJ5767

American People's Network

REDPA 1992 Puno Peru U x XF5359

Andean Common Market

ANCOM Lima Peru U gpx XF2431

Andean Communal Development Institute

Lima Peru U jx XG3753

Andean Institute of Political Sciences 'Francisco de Miranda'

Lima Peru U jx XG5119

Andean Management School

Lima Peru U gx XF7755

APECO Peace and Energy Council

Lima Peru U x XG4897

Centre for Parliamentary and Social Studies

1991 Lima Peru U x XN7152

Centro Amazónico de Antropologia y Aplicación Practica, Lima

CAAAP 1974 Lima Peru U x XN6421

Centro Andino de Educación y Promoción 'José Maria Arguedas', Cusco

CADEP-JMA 1984 Cusco Peru U x XG4052

Centro de Información y Desarrollo Integral de Autogestión

CIDIAG 1976 Lima Peru U x XG0566

Centro de Investigación Amazónica

Lima Peru U x XN0077

Centro de Investigación y Promoción Amazónica

CIPA 1978 Lima Peru U x XG8276

Centro para la Investigación y el Desarrollo Económico y Social de Amazonas

CIDESAM 1989 Chachapoyas Peru U x XG3788

Comité Andino de Autoridades de Transporte Aéreo

CAAA Lima Peru U x XE2382

Comité Andino de Autoridades de Transporte Terrestre

CAATT Lima Peru U x XE2384

Comité Andino de Infraestructura Vial

CAIV Lima Peru U x XE2385

Educational Research Institute of the Andean Region, Ayacucho

Ayacucho Peru U jx XN6422

Fondo Andino de Desarrollo Empresarial Andino

FADEP Lima Peru U fgs XU8616

Instituto de Estudios Islamicos, Lima

IEI 1959 Lima Peru U jx XN4749


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