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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Global South Initiative

GSI 2010 Kathmandu Nepal G XM4414

Group for International Solidarity

GRINSO 1990 Kathmandu Nepal G XG7677

Human Rights Organization of Nepal

HURON 1988 Kathmandu Nepal G XG4859

Initiatives for Development and Eco Support

iDEAS Kathmandu Nepal G XJ0739

Institute for Integrated Development Studies

IIDS 1990 Kathmandu Nepal G j XG3254

International Nepal Fellowship

INF 1970 Kathmandu Nepal G XJ6870

Lumbini World Peace Forum

LWPF 2015 Kathmandu Nepal G XM6355

South Asian Women Development Forum

SAWDF Kathmandu Nepal G XM6864

United Mission to Nepal

UMN 1954 Kathmandu Nepal G XG6079

Regional Environmental Assessment Programme

REAP 1996 Kathmandu Nepal H d XD8423

SAARC Teachers' Federation

STF 1995 Kathmandu Nepal H XD9140

FRIEND / Hindu Kush-Himalayan

HKH-FRIEND 1996 Kathmandu Nepal K g XK1776

Independent South Asian Commission on Poverty Alleviation

ISACPA 1991 Kathmandu Nepal K gv XK1149

SAARC Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS Centre

STAC 1992 Kathmandu Nepal K g XK0303

International Player Welfare Organization, Nepal

IPWON Kathmandu Nepal N XM0892

Non-Resident Nepali Association

NRNA 2003 Kathmandu Nepal N XJ5412

Asian Watershed Management Network

Asian WATMANET 1994 Kathmandu Nepal U x XF4000

Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Kathmandu

Kathmandu Nepal U x XG5556

Coalition for Action on South Asian Cooperation

CASAC 1994 Kathmandu Nepal U vx XF5835

Guru Nanak Sat Sangh Samiti

Sikhar International Kathmandu Nepal U x XG2308

International Society for Human Rights and Environmental Law

ISHREL Kathmandu Nepal U x XG5624

International Youth Coordination Council Nepal

IYCCN Kathmandu Nepal U x XN0850

Kathmandu International Study Centre

1987 Kathmandu Nepal U x XN7651

Nepal Committee for Peace and Development

Kathmandu Nepal U x XG4226

SAARC Centre for Amelioration of Problem Soils

Kathmandu Nepal U gx XK0305


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