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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Middle East Lutheran Ministry

MELM 1950 Beirut Lebanon F XF1937

Union of Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East

UAECNE Beirut Lebanon F XF5463

United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon

UNIFIL 1978 Tyre Lebanon F g XF7577

Arab Network for Democratic Elections

ANDE Beirut Lebanon G XM7600

Arab Resource Collective

ARC 1988 Beirut Lebanon G XG1613

Beirut Arab University

BAU 1960 Beirut Lebanon G XN3488

Centre d'études des droits du monde arabe

CEDROMA 1997 Beirut Lebanon G XJ8058

Centre for Arab Unity Studies, Beirut

1978 Beirut Lebanon G XG9359

Imam Ouzai College of Islamic Studies

1979 Beirut Lebanon G XN6617

Institut français du Proche-Orient

IFPO 1946 Beirut Lebanon G j XN3487

Institute for Women's Studies in the Arab World

IWSAW 1973 Beirut Lebanon G j XG5488

International Centre for Human Sciences, Byblos

ICHS 1998 Byblos Lebanon G XJ3752

Lebanese International Businessmen Associations' Network

LIBAN 2000 Beirut Lebanon G XQ5351

Near East School of Theology

NEST 1932 Beirut Lebanon G XG3722

Orient-Institut der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, Istanbul

OII 1987 Beirut Lebanon G j XG7957

Orient-Institut, Beirut

OIB 1961 Beirut Lebanon G j XG3721

Permanent Peace Movement

PPM 1986 Beirut Lebanon G XJ5688

General Union of Arab Publishers

1983 Beirut Lebanon H x XD3499

Israel-Lebanon Monitoring Group

ILMG Beirut Lebanon H gx XE3737

Arab Anti-Corruption Organization

AACO 2005 Beirut Lebanon J XM6177

Arab Society of Nuclear Medicine

ARSNM 2014 Beirut Lebanon J AA4196

Centre Arabe de Recherches Juridiques et Judiciaires

CARJJ 1977 Beirut Lebanon J AA0941

Pan-Arab Society of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology

PASAAI Beirut Lebanon J AA4800

Young Arab Women Entrepreneurs

YAWE Beirut Lebanon J XJ6292

Arab Group for Muslim-Christian Dialogue

AGMCD 1995 Beirut Lebanon K XK1383


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