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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

African Conservation Centre

ACC Nairobi Kenya G XM2312

African Development and Emergency Organization

ADEO 1998 Nairobi Kenya G XJ4147

African Gender and Media Initiative

GEM Nairobi Kenya G XJ6519

African Institute for Capacity Development

AICAD 2000 Nairobi Kenya G j XQ0285

African Institute for Development Policy Research and Dialogue

AFIDEP 2010 Nairobi Kenya G j XJ7495

African Institute for Health and Development

AIHD 2004 Nairobi Kenya G j XJ6270

African Israel Nineveh Church

AINC 1942 Kisumu Kenya G XG4050

African Woman and Child Features Service

AWC Nairobi Kenya G XJ6517

African Women in Science and Engineering

AWSE 1999 Nairobi Kenya G XN8874

African Women Leaders in Agriculture and the Environment

AWLAE 1990 Nairobi Kenya G XG1639


2002 Nairobi Kenya G XQ0316


2001 Nairobi Kenya G XN9840

Association for Better Land Husbandry

ABLH 1993 Nairobi Kenya G XD2205

British Institute in Eastern Africa

BIEA 1960 Nairobi Kenya G j XN3638

Centre for African Entrepreneurship Research and Development

CAERD Nairobi Kenya G XG0915

Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology in Africa

CEMASTEA Nairobi Kenya G XM2121

Change Agents for Peace International

Nairobi Kenya G XJ2123

EarthCare Africa

ECAF Nairobi Kenya G XF2654

East Africa Women's League

EAWL 1917 Nairobi Kenya G XG6042

East Africa Yearly Meeting of Friends

EAYMF 1902 Kitale Kenya G c XG7871

East African Centre for Human Rights

EACHRights 2010 Nairobi Kenya G XM6038

Eastern Africa Association for Radiation Protection

EAARP 1997 Nairobi Kenya G XJ6345

Eastern Africa Coalition on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

EACOR Nairobi Kenya G XJ5685

EcoNews Africa

ENA 1992 Nairobi Kenya G XG8287

Ekklesia Foundation for Gender Education

EFOGE 2009 Bondo Kenya G f XM7730


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