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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Pan-Arab Society of Cosmetic Dermatology and Laser

Cairo Egypt H x XJ3462

Regional Centre for Adult Education

ASFEC 1952 Menoufia Egypt H gx XE7120

Standing Commission for Afro-Arab Cooperation

1977 Cairo Egypt H gx XE5382

Union africaine de médecine du sport

UAMS 1982 Cairo Egypt H x XD8588

Union of Maritime Ports of Arab Countries

1977 Alexandria Egypt H x XD1251

World Islamic Association for Mental Health

WIAMH 1983 Cairo Egypt H x XD0365

African Air Sports Federation

Cairo Egypt J XM4420

Arab Council for Supporting Fair Trial

ACSFT Cairo Egypt J XM7277

Arab Organization for International Cooperation

AICO Giza Egypt J XJ5749

Arabic Alliance for Freedom and Democracy

AAFD Cairo Egypt J XJ8608

Independent Organization International

IOI 2022 Cairo Egypt J AA3103

Pan Arab Federation of Otolaryngological Societies

ARABFOS New Giza Egypt J XJ0319

African Federation of the International College of Surgeons

Cairo Egypt K XK0162

Arab Central Bureau of Statistics and Documentation

1975 Cairo Egypt K XE1228

Arab Peace and Security Council

2006 Cairo Egypt K g XM7104

Arab Region Ecotechnie Network

AREN 2002 Aswan Egypt K XK2017

FRIEND/Nile Basin

1996 Cairo Egypt K g XK1893

African Alliance for Women Empowerment

AFRAWE Cairo Egypt N XM3350

Afro-Arab Network for Women Empowerment

Cairo Egypt N XM3351

International Group for Geological Studies

IGGS Cairo Egypt N XM1833

Misr International University

MIU Cairo Egypt N XG6074

Pan-Arab Society of Genital Surgeons

Giza Egypt N XJ1517

International Chemistry Conference in Africa

ICCA Sohag Egypt S c XJ0874

Administrative Tribunal of the Arab League

1964 Cairo Egypt U gx XF9652

African Society, Cairo

1972 Cairo Egypt U x XG2062


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