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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Culturelink - the Network of Networks for Research and Cooperation in Cultural Development

1989 Zagreb Croatia F XF4213

International Society for Applied Biological Sciences

ISABS 2004 Zagreb Croatia F XJ2001

Network of Education Policy Centers

NEPC 2006 Zagreb Croatia F XM6570

South Eastern Europe Advisory Service Network

SEASN 2015 Zagreb Croatia F AA2293

European Heritage Association

Zagreb Croatia G XM3131

Europska zaklada za filantropiju i društveni razvoj

EZFDR Zagreb Croatia G f XM8667

Institute for Development and International Relations

1963 Zagreb Croatia G j XG6712

International Centre for Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems

SDEWES Centre Zagreb Croatia G XJ2179

International Cultural Centre

1972 Zagreb Croatia G XN0319

International Federation of Communication Associations

1992 Zagreb Croatia G XG9104

Croatian Club for International Cooperation

CCIC Zagreb Croatia N XM1411

Centro Latinoamericano e Ibérico de Croacia

CELAIC Zagreb Croatia U x XG7158

Council for International Cooperation of Nongovernmental Youth Organizations

EUROPOLIS 1998 Zagreb Croatia U xy XG7495

Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science

1965 Zagreb Croatia U jx XG1329

International Fund 'Hungry Child'

Zagreb Croatia U fx XN0622

International Initiative from Women of Bosnia-Herzegovina

Zagreb Croatia U x XN6395

International Referral Centre for Information Handling Equipment

IRCIHE 1974 Zagreb Croatia U gx XF9084

International Youth Theatre Institute

Zagreb Croatia U jx XG9067

Jeunesses musicales of Croatia International Cultural Centre in Groznjan

Zagreb Croatia U x XG3368

Pontes European Cultural Network

1996 Zagreb Croatia U x XN9053

Southeast European Infection Control Consortium

SEEICC Zagreb Croatia U x XM2234

World Tourism Research and Education Centre, Zagreb

Zagreb Croatia U x XG1132


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