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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID


EW Vienna Austria G AA3278

ERSTE Foundation

2003 Vienna Austria G f XJ5564

Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics

ESI 1992 Vienna Austria G j XN6058

EU Umweltbüro

1994 Vienna Austria G XM5579

Europäische Akademie Wien

Vienna Austria G XG2995

Europäische Detektiv-Akademie

EURODET Vienna Austria G XJ4928

Europäischer Interessenverband Handel-Gewerbe-Industrie

EIVHGI 1980 Vienna Austria G t XJ8777

European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies

EIPCP Vienna Austria G j XG8819


1982 Vienna Austria G XM5330

Global Forum on Sustainable Energy

GFSE 1999 Vienna Austria G XQ0090

Global Partnership for Local Action

GP 4 LA Vienna Austria G XM5402

GLOBAL RESPONSIBILITY - Austrian Platform for Development and Humanitarian Aid

2008 Vienna Austria G y XJ1152

Gustav Mahler Youth Orchestra

1986 Vienna Austria G XG1918

Hilfswerk International

1989 Vienna Austria G XG4556

HOPE '87 - Hundreds of Original Projects for Employment

1987 Vienna Austria G XG7742


2001 Vienna Austria G XG9541

Human Relief

2003 Vienna Austria G XM6195

Institut für Afrikawissenschaften, Wien

Vienna Austria G j XN6408

Institut für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa

IDM 1953 Vienna Austria G j XG7651

Institut für Europarecht und Internationales Recht

EIR 1990 Vienna Austria G j XG5524

Institut Wiener Kreis

1991 Vienna Austria G j XN8174

Institut zur Cooperation bei Entwicklungs-Projekte

ICEP 1996 Vienna Austria G j XG8040

Institute for European Tort Law

ETL 2002 Vienna Austria G j XJ4988

International Institute for Information Design

IIID 1988 Vienna Austria G j XG1510

International Network for Educational Exchange

INEX Vienna Austria G XJ5546


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