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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

EarthCare Africa

ECAF Nairobi Kenya G XF2654

East Africa Women's League

EAWL 1917 Nairobi Kenya G XG6042

East African Centre for Human Rights

EACHRights 2010 Nairobi Kenya G XM6038

Eastern Africa Association for Radiation Protection

EAARP 1997 Nairobi Kenya G XJ6345

Eastern Africa Coalition on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

EACOR Nairobi Kenya G XJ5685

EcoNews Africa

ENA 1992 Nairobi Kenya G XG8287


1997 Nairobi Kenya G XG5489

Flying Doctors' Society of Africa

FDSA 1970 Nairobi Kenya G XG0179

Green Africa Foundation

2000 Nairobi Kenya G f XM8990

Hope Foundation for African Women

HFAW 2011 Nairobi Kenya G f XM6135

Institut français de recherche en Afrique

IFRA 1980 Nairobi Kenya G j XN3635

International Centre for Environmental Social and Policy Studies

ICESPS Nairobi Kenya G XG9339

International Gorilla Conservation Programme

IGCP 1978 Nairobi Kenya G XG4649

International Research and Development Actions

IRDAC Nairobi Kenya G XJ7702

NPI Africa

1984 Nairobi Kenya G XG8333

Pan Africa Chemistry Network

PACN 2007 Nairobi Kenya G XJ8209

Pan Africa Christian University

Nairobi Kenya G XJ8342

Pan African Private Sector Forum

PAPSef 2023 Nairobi Kenya G AA3872

Partners for Health and Development in Africa

PHDA 2013 Nairobi Kenya G j AA4238

Presbyterian Church of East Africa

PCEA Nairobi Kenya G XG4358

Save the Elephants

STE 1993 Nairobi Kenya G XQ0195

Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

SWT 1977 Nairobi Kenya G XM6601

Sustainable Agriculture Centre for Research, Extension and Development in Africa

SACRED-Africa 1996 Nairobi Kenya G XG0415

Sustainable Transport Africa

Nairobi Kenya G XJ9727

Trust for African Rock Art

TARA 1996 Nairobi Kenya G XQ3033


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