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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Convention Concerning Health Protection and Medical Care for Seafarer

1987 Geneva Switzerland T g XT8706

Convention Concerning Holidays with Pay in Agriculture

1952 Geneva Switzerland T g XT5214

Convention Concerning Home Work

1996 Geneva Switzerland T g XT9606

Convention Concerning Hours of Work and Rest Periods in Road Transport

1979 Geneva Switzerland T g XT7944

Convention Concerning Hours of Work on Board Ship and Manning

1936 Geneva Switzerland T g XT3611

Convention Concerning Hygiene in Commerce and Offices

1964 Geneva Switzerland T g XT6414

Convention Concerning Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries

1989 Geneva Switzerland T g XT8925

Convention Concerning Invalidity, Old-age and Survivors' Benefits

1967 Geneva Switzerland T g XT6709

Convention Concerning Labour Administration: Role, Functions and Organization

1978 Geneva Switzerland T g XT7897

Convention Concerning Labour Clauses in Public Contracts

1949 Geneva Switzerland T g XT4918

Convention Concerning Labour Inspection in Agriculture

1969 Geneva Switzerland T g XT6909

Convention Concerning Labour Inspection in Industry and Commerce

1947 Geneva Switzerland T g XT4705

Convention Concerning Labour Inspectorates in Non-metropolitan Territories

1947 Geneva Switzerland T g XT4709

Convention Concerning Labour Standards in Non-metropolitan Territories

1947 Geneva Switzerland T g XT4707

Convention Concerning Labour Statistics

1985 Geneva Switzerland T g XT8517

Convention Concerning Maternity Protection

1952 Geneva Switzerland T g XT5216

Convention Concerning Medical Care and Sickness Benefits

1969 Geneva Switzerland T g XT6910

Convention Concerning Medical Examination for Fitness for Employment in Industry of Children and Young Persons

1946 Geneva Switzerland T g XT4620

Convention Concerning Medical Examination of Children and Young Persons for Fitness for Employment in Non-industrial Occupations

1946 Geneva Switzerland T g XT4621

Convention Concerning Medical Examination of Young Persons for Fitness for Employment Underground in Mines

1965 Geneva Switzerland T g XT6510

Convention Concerning Migration for Employment

1949 Geneva Switzerland T g XT4922

Convention Concerning Migrations in Abusive Conditions and the Promotion of Equality of Opportunity and Treatment of Migrant Workers

1975 Geneva Switzerland T g XT7545

Convention Concerning Minimum Age for Admission to Employment

1973 Geneva Switzerland T g XT7303

Convention Concerning Minimum Standards in Merchant Ships

1976 Geneva Switzerland T g XT7677

Convention Concerning Minimum Standards of Social Security

1952 Geneva Switzerland T g XT5215


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