Agriculture, Fisheries → Farming
Organizations relating to Farming
Asian Farming Systems Association / Est. 1988
African Agricultural Technology Foundation / Nairobi, Kenya / Est. 2003
Caribbean Farmers Network / Kingstown, St Vincent-Grenadines / Est. 2004
Eastern African Farmers Federation / Nairobi, Kenya / Est. 2001
Alliance for Commodity Trade in Eastern and Southern Africa / Lusaka, Zambia / Est. 2008
International Farming Systems Association / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1989
All Africa Farmers Network / Accra, Ghana
Baltic Farmers Forum on Environment / Stockholm, Sweden / Est. 1998
Windward Islands Farmers' Association / Kingstown, St Vincent-Grenadines / Est. 1987
Global Farmer Network / Des Moines IA, USA / Est. 2000
One Acre Fund / Highland Park IL, USA / Est. 2006
Fondation TerrEspoir / Bussigny, Switzerland / Est. 1996
Peace Farm / Panhandle TX, USA / Est. 1986
Diobass, écologie et société / Nivelles, Belgium / Est. 1996
Union internationale des agriculteurs français pour le renouveau / Est. 1974
Leibniz-Institut für Agrarentwicklung in Transformationsökonomien / Halle (Saale), Germany / Est. 1994
Agriculteurs français et développement international / Paris, France / Est. 1975
Farms International / Knife River MN, USA / Est. 1961
African Smallholder Farmers Group
African Farmers Association / Est. 1985
Central Council of the Nordic Farmers' Associations / Helsinki, Finland / Est. 1936
Latin American Federation of Farmworkers / Est. 1961
All African Farmers' Union / Est. 1962
Farming First
African Moringa Alliance
Unión de Pequeños Agricultores del Atlantico / San José, Costa Rica
Centre de relations internationales entre agriculteurs pour le développement / Est. 1968
International Farmers Aid Association / Pleasant Hill CA, USA
Confederación Andina de Agricultores
Bruges Group / Saint-Gély-du-Fesc, France
Andean Confederation of Farmers
Boerenbondstichting voor Oost-Europa / Leuven, Belgium
Farmers World Network / Stoneleigh Park, UK / Est. 1985
Association for Vertical Farming / Munich, Germany
ApiCOWplexa / Est. 2012
Farm Concern International / Nairobi, Kenya
Netherlands Food Partnership / Utrecht, Netherlands
Universal Proutist Farmers Federation / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1982
Protocol of Amendment to the European Convention for the Protection of Animals Kept for Farming Purposes / Strasbourg, France / Est. 1992
European Convention on the Social Protection of Farmers / Strasbourg, France / Est. 1974
European Convention for the Protection of Animals Kept for Farming Purposes / Strasbourg, France / Est. 1976
European Society for Agronomy / Conthey, Switzerland / Est. 1990
European Association for Flower Growers / Est. 2020
Irish Farmers Association International
European Association for Precision Livestock Farming / Parma, Italy
Agriterra / Arnhem, Netherlands / Est. 1997
Eastern and Southern Africa small scale Farmers' Forum / Morogoro, Tanzania UR / Est. 2002
Agricultural Market Development Trust / Nairobi, Kenya / Est. 2004
Once Acre Fund / Est. 2006
Swedish Society Against Painful Experiments on Animals / Älvsjö, Sweden / Est. 1882
View all profiles (208 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Farming
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialSkeptical farming attitude
Prohibitive costs of farming
Ineffective farmers' organizations
Farm-bound labour force
Insufficient farm experiments
Lost farming skills
Unreliability of tradition-bound farming
Prohibitive cost of farm labour
Limited specialized farming
Demeaning farmer image
Gap in agricultural technology among countries
Distant farm residences
Restricted farming alternatives
Distant agricultural services
Unexplained livestock mutilation
Inappropriate tree plantations
Slash-and-burn farming
Intensive farming
Unsanitary and inhumane food animal conditions
Stagnated development of agricultural production
Overdependence on few crop species
Health risks to workers in agricultural and livestock production
Undeveloped channels for commercial initiative
Cruelty to animals in factory farming
Archaic marketing methods
Action Strategies relating to Farming
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialFarming
Increasing crop diversity
Informing on agricultural developments
Improving skill base of rural women
Growing narcotic crops
Recycling agricultural waste
Using wind power
Practicing silviculture
Promoting sustainable agriculture
Farming animals
Conducting on-farm research on integrated pest management technologies
Improving farmers' knowledge
Expanding farm forestry
Strengthening role of farmers in sustainable development
Developing integrated farm management technologies
Developing nuclear methods in agriculture
Using residue management agriculture
Ensuring public participation for sustainable agriculture
Assessing effects on farm families of technical innovation
Increasing primary environmental care by farmers
Developing small scale irrigation to conserve water
Using appropriate farm technologies
Developing sustainable agriculture in humid areas
Involving farmers representatives in international meetings on rural development
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