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Societal Problems → Distortion


In signal processing, distortion is the alteration of the original shape of a signal. In communications and electronics it means the alteration of the waveform of an information-bearing signal, such as an audio signal representing sound or a video signal representing images, in an electronic device or communication channel.

– syndicated content from Wikipedia

Organizations relating to Distortion

European Fascial Distortion Model Association / Vienna, Austria / Est. 2006
Fascial Distortion Model Global Organization / Est. 2017
FDM Asian Association
African Fascial Distortion Model Society / Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso / Est. 2011

View all profiles (4 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Distortion

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Distortionary tax systems
Restrictive business practices
Biased recall
Memory defects
Ineffective university faculty members
Distortion of international trade by embargoes
Corporation financial secrecy
Deliberate lying by corporation officials
Desynchronization of bodily rhythm by international travel
Distorted media presentations
Resource consumption exacerbated by price distortions
Distortion of international trade by discriminatory formulation of health and sanitary regulations for agricultural and pharmaceutical products
Distortion of international trade by restrictive controls over foreign investment
Distortion of international trade through obstacles to patent protection
Distortion of international trade by restrictive customs valuation practices

Action Strategies relating to Distortion

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Identifying resource pricing distortions arising from environmental programmes
Reducing measures supporting uncompetitive production
Improving pricing efficiency
Distorting statements
Distorting evidence
Distorting tax systems
Distorting past events
Distorting foreign aid
Distorting indicators of achievement
Distorting musical pitch
Clarifying musical pitch
Distorting maps
Distorting planning
Distorting intergovernmental organizations by mini-state membership
Distorting international trade through obstacles to patent protection
Distorting international trade as a result of government participation
Distorting international trade by discriminatory preference agreements
Making innuendo
Reducing agricultural trade distorting subsidies

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