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Societal Problems → Obsolescence


Obsolescence is the process of becoming antiquated, out of date, old-fashioned, no longer in general use, or no longer useful, or the condition of being in such a state. When used in a biological sense, it means imperfect or rudimentary when compared with the corresponding part of other organisms. The international standard IEC 62402:2019 Obsolescence Management defines obsolescence as the "transition from available to unavailable from the manufacturer in accordance with the original specification".

– syndicated content from Wikipedia

Organizations relating to Obsolescence

International Institute of Obsolescence Management / St Albans, UK / Est. 1997
Decom Mission / Westhill, UK / Est. 2010

View all profiles (4 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Obsolescence

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Gap in agricultural technology among countries
Obsolete educational values
Failure of the zoo as an educational institution
Outdated production line methods
Stagnated development of agricultural production
Depressed industries
Uncertain land zoning
Inappropriate local administrative organization
Electronic waste
Environmental hazards of decommissioned nuclear power plants
Inadequate primary health care
Dysfunctional roads

Action Strategies relating to Obsolescence

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Converting outmoded public buildings
Welcoming obsolescence
Purging religion of obsolete customs
Freeing religious dogma of obsolete terminology
Demonstrating modern farm technology
Promoting values in education
Modernizing legal framework
Building practical skills development
Training for jobs
Questioning limited communal understandings
Exposing useless outmoded methods
Providing corrective possibilities for outmoded social skills
Recreating value systems
Maintaining data bank
Updating methods
Updating resolutions
Updating group methods
Updating self-sufficiency patterns
Updating methods of agricultural production
Updating institutions
Updating Linnaean system of taxonomic naming
Planning obsolescence
Updating outmoded concepts in legal systems
Reforming zoos
Reforming trade unions

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