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Organizations relating to Wood Products

European Association of Furniture Technology Institutes
Woodworkers International / Est. 1904
Pan African Federation of Building, Construction and Woodworkers / Lomé, Togo
Futon Association International / Orlando FL, USA / Est. 1983
Furniture History Society / Haywards Heath, UK / Est. 1964
International Congress of Furniture Manufacturers / Brussels, Belgium
Council of Asia-Pacific Furniture Associations / Est. 1980
ASEAN Rattan Regeneration Centre, Indonesia
European Forest and Forest Products Forum / Est. 1992
International Woodworkers of America / Est. 1937
Common Market Committee of the European Furniture Federation / Est. 1964
Coopers' International Union of North America / Est. 1890
International Furniture and Accessory Association / Est. 1984
European Pellet Council / Brussels, Belgium
International Association of Wood Products Societies / Tokyo, Japan / Est. 1995
Institute of Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems and Forest Products Technology / Athens, Greece / Est. 1929
European Furniture Manufacturers Federation / Prague, Czechia / Est. 1950
European Furniture Industries Confederation / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2006
ASEAN Furniture Industries Council / Singapore, Singapore / Est. 1978
Confédération européenne des industries du bois / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1952
European Federation of Building and Woodworkers / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1958
International Wood Products Association / Alexandria VA, USA / Est. 1956
European Organization of Office Furniture Manufacturers / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1966
International Furniture Rental Association / Woodstock VT, USA / Est. 1967
International Network for Bamboo and Rattan / Beijing, China / Est. 1997
Fédération européenne des fabricants de palettes et emballages en bois / Tilburg, Netherlands / Est. 1946

View all profiles (66 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Wood Products

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Environmental hazards from timber industries
Environmental hazards of furniture and fixtures manufacture
Closeted homosexuality

Action Strategies relating to Wood Products

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Compiling renewable energy information
Improving trade in forest products
Including full value of forests in market prices for forest products
Increasing research on non-wood forest resources
Conducting research on the properties of forest products
Developing separation toilets
Providing technological information for better use of forest products
Supporting survey on forest products
Certifying wood
Managing non-timber forest resources
Using rattan
Legislating trade in forest products
Avoiding legislation on trade in forest products
Removing tariff barriers on forest products
Providing additional gathering places
Ensuring constant product markets
Mobilizing local construction talent
Constructing useful wood products
Furnishing quick public communication
Installing local health services
Furnishing employable technical abilities
Providing supplemental learning resources
Furnishing vital community equipment

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