Industry → Paper
Paper is a thin sheet material produced by mechanically or chemically processing cellulose fibres derived from wood, rags, grasses, herbivore dung, or other vegetable sources in water. Once the water is drained through a fine mesh leaving the fibre evenly distributed on the surface, it can be pressed and dried.
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Organizations relating to Paper
Europulp / Est. 1999
European Liaison Committee for Pulp and Paper / Paris, France / Est. 1956
European Paper Recycling Council / Brussels, Belgium
Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry / Peachtree Corners GA, USA / Est. 1915
Latin American Paper Money Society / Elkridge MD, USA / Est. 1973
European Paper Forum
European Wallcovering Association
International Federation of Stationery, Office Machines and Furniture Associations
Martin Luther King Jr Papers Project / Stanford CA, USA / Est. 1985
Third Protocol to the General Treaty of Central American Economic Integration to Guarantee Free Trade in Paper and Glass Containers / Est. 1966
Intergovernmental Agreement on the Establishment of an Inter-African Motor Vehicle Third Party Liability Insurance Card / Est. 1978
Fédération internationale des associations des papetiers / Est. 1955
Nordiske Papiringeniørers Permanente Komite
Groupement européen 'Utipulp'
European Recovered Paper Association / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1995
International Card Technology Institute
International Forum for the White Paper
Paper, Allied-Industrial, Chemical and Energy Workers International Union / Est. 1999
Scandinavian Pulp, Paper and Board Testing Committee / Est. 1959
Confédération des fédérations papetières d'Europe
Federation of ASEAN Pulp and Paper Industries
Association of Nordic Paper Historians / Täby, Sweden / Est. 1968
European Committee of Printing and Paper Converting Machinery Manufacturers / Zurich, Switzerland / Est. 1957
Red Iberoamericana de Docencia e Investigación en Celulosa y Papel / Posadas, Argentina / Est. 2000
European Decorative and Stationery Plastics Foils Association / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1993
PapiNet / Miamisburg OH, USA / Est. 2000
Paper and Related Industries Marketing Association / Graz, Austria / Est. 1970
IGI - The Global Wallcoverings Association / Lasne, Belgium / Est. 1950
International Council of Forest and Paper Associations / Ottawa ON, Canada / Est. 2002
World Containerboard Organization / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2001
European Producers of Sack Kraft Paper and Kraft Paper / Stockholm, Sweden
International Association of Paper Historians / Birkerød, Denmark / Est. 1959
Alliance for Beverage Cartons and the Environment / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1995
Appita - Australia and New Zealand Pulp and Paper Industry Technical Association / Melbourne VIC, Australia / Est. 1947
Arab Federation for Paper, Printing and Packaging Industries / Beirut, Lebanon / Est. 1977
International Confederation of Paper and Board Converters in Europe / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1961
International Association of Hand Papermakers and Paper Artists / Dresden, Germany / Est. 1986
Confederation of European Paper Industries / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1992
CEPI ContainerBoard / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2001
European Pulp Industry Sector / Helsinki, Finland / Est. 2005
HCV Network Ltd / Oxford, UK / Est. 2006
European Association of Graphic Paper Producers / Brussels, Belgium
Environmental Paper Network / Asheville NC, USA / Est. 2002
Internationale Forschungsgemeinschaft Deinking-Technik / Munich, Germany / Est. 1989
Pro Carton - European Association of Carton and Cartonboard manufacturers / Zurich, Switzerland / Est. 1988
View all profiles (118 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Paper
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialEnvironmental hazards from paper and printing industries
Waste paper
Credit card fraud
Paper shortage
Deterioration of stored documents and archives
Environmental hazards of chlorine-bleached paper products
Action Strategies relating to Paper
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialRecycling paper
Promoting environmentally friendly paper products
Presenting proposal for collective examination
Securing requisite civic papers
Relying on paper qualifications
Reducing incidence of paper qualification syndrome
Saving paper
Protecting against environmental hazards from paper and printing industries
Disposing of paper
Manufacturing printing and paper converting machinery
Individualizing papermakers
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