Global Civil Society & the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 17: Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

Partnerships for the Goal

Goal 17 is about revitalizing the global partnership for sustainable development. The 2030 Agenda is universal and calls for action by all countries – developed and developing – to ensure no one is left behind. It requires partnerships between governments, the private sector, and civil society.

The Sustainable Development Goals can only be realized with a strong commitment to global partnership and cooperation to ensure no one is left behind in our journey to development.

However, not all countries are setting off from the same start line, and low and middle income countries are facing a tidal wave of debt which they are treading water.

Developing countries are grappling with an unprecedented rise in external debt levels following the COVID-19 pandemic, compounded by challenges such as record inflation, escalating interest rates, competing priorities and constrained fiscal capacity, underscoring the urgent need for debt relief and financial assistance.

While official development assistance (ODA) flows continue to reach record peaks, the increase in 2022 is primarily attributed to spending on refugees in donor countries and aid to Ukraine.

To be successful, everyone will need to mobilize both existing and additional resources, and developed countries will need to fulfill their official development assistance commitments.

Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II

Small Luxury Hotels of the World

1985 London UK N e

Smart Freight Centre

SFC 2013 Amsterdam Netherlands F

Social Accountability Accreditation Services

SAAS 1997 New York NY USA E

Social Platform

1995 Brussels Belgium E y

Social sciences and Humanities in ionising radiation REsearch


Social Value International

SVI Liverpool UK C

Sociedad Europea de Cooperación Farmacéutica

SECOF Seville Spain D

Società Italiana per l'Organizzazione Internazionale

SIOI 1944 Rome Italy G

Société d'études historiques des relations internationales contemporaines

SEHRIC 1975 Paris France G

Société de coopération pour le développement international

SOCODEVI 1985 Québec QC Canada G

Société de promotion et de participations pour la coopération économique, Paris

PROPARCO 1977 Paris France G e

Société internationale pour l'enseignement commercial

SIEC 1901 Peoria IL USA C

Society for Institutional and Organizational Economics

SIOE 1997 Lausanne Switzerland C v

Society for International Development

SID 1957 Rome Italy B y

Society for Organizational Learning

SOL 1997 North Andover MA USA D

Sol sem Fronteiras

Lisbon Portugal G

Solar Cookers International

SCI 1987 Sacramento CA USA F

Solar Solidarity International


Soldiers of Peace International Association

SPIA 1988 Lyon France E


1964 Sint-Niklaas Belgium G


1948 Brussels Belgium F y


1969 Utrecht Netherlands F

Solidaridad, Educación y Desarrollo

SED 1992 Madrid Spain G

Solidaritätsdienst International

SODI 1990 Berlin Germany G

Solidaritätsfonds für Soziale Befreiungskämpfe in der Dritten Welt

SOLIFONDS Zurich Switzerland G f


1980 Gaillac France G

Solidarité enfants sida

Sol en si 1990 Bobigny France N

Solidarité et coopération médicale au Tiers-monde

SCMTM 1976 Yvoir Belgium G

Solidarité et partenariat Nord-Sud

SPNS 2001 Brussels Belgium G

Solidarité étudiants du Monde

SETM 1963 Brussels Belgium G

Solidarité européenne, Luxembourg


Solidarité homéopathie

1994 Bouillargues France N

Solidarité internationale

Brussels Belgium J

Solidarité internationale des maisons familiales rurales

SIMFR Brussels Belgium K

Solidarité Internationale LGBTQI

SIL 2005 G

Solidarité internationale sur les transports et la recherche en Afrique sub-saharienne

SITRASS 1996 Lyon France G

Solidarité laïque

1956 Paris France G y

Solidarité Laurentides Amérique centrale

SLAM 1984 Bellefeuille QC Canada G

Solidarité Mondiale contre la Faim

SMF 1982 Gémeaux France F f

Solidarité protestante

1977 Brussels Belgium G

Solidarité sans frontières, Berne

SOSF Bern Switzerland G

Solidarité socialiste - Fonds de coopération au développement

FCD 1936 Brussels Belgium G f

Solidarités agricoles et alimentaires

SOLAGRAL 1980 Montpellier France G

Solidaritetsaksjon for utvikling

FORUT 1981 Gjøvik Norway G

Solidarity Across Borders, Montréal

SAB 2003 N

Solidarity Among Children in Africa and the World

1987 Cotonou Benin G

Solidarity among Women - Development Initiatives for Women in the Third World

1982 Vienna Austria G

Solidarity Center

1997 Washington DC USA G

Solidarity East-West

Vaulx-en-Velin France N

Solidarity for ASEAN People's Advocacy

SAPA 2006 Bangkok Thailand F
