NordScen - Nordic Centre for the Performing Arts

NordScen - Nordisk Center for Scenekunst

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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).




1977, as Nordic Theatre Committee (NTC) -- Nordiska Teaterkommittén (NTK) -- Pohjoismainen Teatterikomitea -- Norraena Leiklistarnefndin, assuming the mandates of two older organizations, U-XH6984 - Nordic Visiting Performances Committee and H-XH6983 - Wasa Committee, in addition to taking charge of maintaining contacts, cooperation and exchange in the theatre life of the Nordic countries. Comes within the framework of D-XD4238 - Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM), under T-XT7163 - Nordic Cultural Cooperation. Has also been known as Nordic Theatre and Dance Committee -- Nordisk Teater-og Dansekomité -- Pohjoismainen Teatteri- ja Tanssikomitea and as Nordic Committee for Theatre and Dance and as Nordic Theatre and Dance -- Teater og Dans i Norden (TODIN) -- Norraena Leiklistar- og Dansnefndin -- Pohjoismaiden Teatteri ja Tanssi. Most recent statutes adopted by H-XD7560 - Nordic Council of Ministers of Education and Culture, 15 Dec 2000. Closed 1 Jan 2007.


Develop, strengthen and make more visible Nordic cooperation within the professional performing arts, both in the Nordic region and internationally; support and promote quality and innovation within the performing arts in the Nordic region; cooperate with national and international organisations and institutions in the above-named fields, and with other Nordic institutions, committees or projects that serve to further NordScen's objectives; emphasise Nordic profiling and promote an interest among children and young people in experiencing the performing arts.


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Committee comprising performing arts professionals, recommended by Ministries of Culture, from member countries. Executive Committee; General Secretariat.


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Relations with Non-Governmental Organizations

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* Subject classification is derived from the organization names and aims.
** UN SDGs are linked to the subject classification.

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