International League of Dermatological Societies (ILDS)

Ligue internationale des sociétés dermatologiques
Liga Internacional de Sociedades Dermatológicas
Internationale Liga der Dermatologischen Gesellschaften

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1957-07-31 Stockholm Sweden


Founded in succession to Permanent Committee of the International League -- Comité permanent de la Ligue internationale, set up 1935, Budapest (Hungary) to manage S-XS0013 - International Congress of Dermatology (ICD), the first Congress having been held 1889, Paris (France). Following the 1957 Congress, ILDS assumed responsibility for the event series.

Rules and Regulations adopted at 11th Congress, 1957, Stockholm, and revised at each subsequent Congress. New Bylaws adopted at 17th Congress, 1987, Berlin West (Germany FR) and at 18th Congress, 1992, New York NY (USA). Bylaws revised 2 July 2002, Paris.


Encourage worldwide advancement of dermatological education, care and science; stimulate cooperation among societies of dermatology and societies interested in all fields of cutaneous medicine and biology worldwide; promote personal and professional relations among dermatologists; represent dermatology in commissions and international health organizations.


2027 | Guadalajara, Mexico – World Congress of Dermatology
2025-10-18 | Cape Town, South Africa – ILDS World Skin Summit

17 past events available with paid subscription only.


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Annual General Meeting; Board of Directors; International Directors; Regional Directors; Appointed Directors; Secretariat.


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* Subject classification is derived from the organization names and aims.
** UN SDGs are linked to the subject classification.

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